Tuesday 26 December 2017


Its great misconception/propogandas spreaded by fake BR Chopra and Starbharat series that kauravas were defeated by king Draupad in guru dakshina war. According to BORI critical edition, Kauravas and Pandavas together attacked Draupad and captured him. BORI Critical edition doesn’t mentioned Surya’s son Karna or Kshtriya gandhari’s son Karna in guru dakshina battle. As per BORI critical edition even Kauravas were undefeated in guru dakshina war

[Image Source : Mahabharata Star Plus]

BORI Critical Edition

Adi Parv, Section – 128


Vaishampayana said, ‘O ruler of the earth! One day, Drona the preceptor assembled his pupils together and asked all of them for his fee.

“Capture Drupada, the king of Panchala, in a raid and bring him here to me. O fortunate ones! That will be my greatest dakshina.”

Agreeing, all of them armed themselves with weapons and quickly climbed into their chariots and set out, accompanied by Drona, in order to pay the preceptor’s fee.

Those bulls among men destroyed Panchala and went to the capital of the immensely powerful Drupada and attacked it. O bull of the Bharata lineage!

Thus capturing Yajnasena Drupada and his advisers in battle, they brought him to Drona.


Drona asked his students to pay his fees by capturing Draupad in war. BORI doesn’t mentioned list of students hence we can safelty conclude that Kauravas and Pandavas together attacked panchal. All of them captured Draupad so easily and brought him to their teacher Drona. Kauravas won..!!


Last but not least, Draupad was also poor warrior like Vimna partho arjuna who was defeated by all warriors and never beat any warrior in his life. Vrishasen too beat him and allowed him to flee from battle just like Karna allowed arjuna to run away from his deadly Bhargavastra


According to BORI CE, Draupad failed to withstand kauravas and Duryodhana single handedly conquered Overrated Draupad 

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