Saturday 11 November 2017



[Image Source (Google) : Mahabharata Star Plus]

Apart from Bhargavastra, Pashupatastra, Nagastra and Vasavi dart terrible Brahmastra was one of the most powerful weapon of karna which destroyed celestical chariot (Nandighosh) of arjuna into ash and arjuna was compelled to run away back to tent on foot

Celestical Chariot of Arjuna

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

BORI Critical Edition

Adi Parv, Section - 216
Translation by B.Debroy -
He also gave him two inexhaustible quivers and a chariot with divine horses, with a monkey on the banner.The horses were silvery and were from the land of the gandharvas. They were in golden harnesses, as swift as the wind or the mind, and resembled white clouds. Every weapon was laden onto the chariot and it was incapable of being vanquished by the gods or the danavas. It was radiant, with a thunderous roar and was enchanting to all beings. Through his ascetic powers, it was created by Prajapati Bhoumana, the lord of the worlds. Its form was like that of the sun and could not be gazed at. It was on this that Lord Soma had ascended when he vanquished the danavas. It was radiant in its beauty and was gigantic, like an elephant or a cloud. On this supreme of chariots was mounted an excellent flagpole, golden and resplendent like Shakra’s weapon. On the flagpole was a divine monkey marked with the signs of the lion and the tiger. It seemed to roar out from that adorned perch. There were many other great beings on that flag and their roars made enemy soldiers lose their senses.
  1. Lord agni himself donated Arjuna divine chariot of lord vishvakarma (prajapati bhoumana)
  2. Arjuna had 4 divine gandharva horses to drive his chariot (In udyoga parv, it is said that divine horses were unslayable for ordinary weapons due to boon of brahma)
  3. People were even incapable to look at divine chariot. Celestical monkey and other demon gang (creature) were protecting standard of chariot
  4. Technically, it was next to impossible to give small scratch to the chariot (Arjuna was wise enough to hid behind divine chariot)

Blasting of Arjuna’s Celestical Chariot

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

BORI Critical Edition

Shalya Parv, Section - 61
Translation by B.Debroy -
“O bull among the Bharata lineage! Keshava was always engaged in bringing pleasure to the wielder of Gandiva and spoke to him. ‘Take down Gandiva and the two great and inexhaustible quivers. O supreme among the Bharata lineage! I will get down after you have dismounted. O unblemished one! Descend. It is for your own good.’ Dhananjaya, Pandu’s brave son, did as he had been asked. Thereafter, the intelligent Krishna discarded the reins of the horses and got down from the chariot that belonged to the wielder of Gandiva. The extremely great-souled one, the lord of all beings, descended. The celestial ape, stationed on the standard of the wielder of Gandiva, disappeared. Earlier, it had been burnt by the divine weapons of the maharathas, Drona and Karna. O lord of the earth! It blazed amidst a fire and was swiftly burnt. The chariot of the wielder of Gandiva was burnt, with its yokes, its harnesses, its horses and its lovely joints. O lord! On seeing that it had been reduced to ashes, Pandu’s sons were astounded. O king! Arjuna joined his hands in salutation and bowing down affectionately, asked, ‘O Govinda! O illustrious one! Why has the chariot been burnt down by the fire? O descendant of the Yadu lineage! What is this extremely wonderful thing that has occurred? O mighty-armed one! If you think that I deserve to hear it, tell me.’ Vasudeva replied, ‘O Arjuna! This has earlier been burnt by many different kinds of weapons. O scorcher of enemies! It is because I was seated that it was not destroyed in the battle. It has now been destroyed, consumed by the energy of brahmastra. O Kounteya! Now that you have accomplished your objective, I have abandoned it.’ The illustrious Keshava, the destroyer of enemies, smiled a little, in pride.
  • According to Sanjaya, Chariot of arjuna blasted into ash owning to his failure against the divine weapons of Karna and Drona
          [Sanjaya to Dhritrashtra]
स दग्धो द्रोणकर्णाभ्यां दिव्यैरस्त्रैर्महारथः |
अथ दीप्तोऽग्निना ह्याशु प्रजज्वाल महीपते ||१३||
Earlier, it had been burnt by the divine weapons of the maharathas, Drona and Karna.
  • It proves that only two candidates were nominated by Sanjaya for the award of 'Master Blaster'. It should be either Karna or Drona
  • According to lord krishna, Power of only one brahmastra was responsible for the blasting of celestical chariot of arjuna into the ash.
The statement of lord krishna where he admitted that chariot was blasted because object was fulfilled is an interpolation as per BORI Critical Edition
  • It should be note that only Karna and Drona used Brahmastra against arjuna NO other warrior ever used it against arjuna
          [Krishna to Pandavas]
इदानीं तु विशीर्णोऽयं दग्धो ब्रह्मास्त्रतेजसा |
मया विमुक्तः कौन्तेय त्वय्यद्य कृतकर्मणि ||१९||
O scorcher of enemies! It is because I was seated that it was not destroyed in the battle. It has now been destroyed, consumed by the energy of brahmastra.
  • Its clear like water that one invincible brahmastra which arjuna failed to counter, which was unstoppable was shot by either karna or Drona. Let see cross verification

Cross Verification

[Image Source (Google) : Mahabharata Star Plus]

a) Brahmastra of Drona

BORI Critical Edition -

Drona Parv, Section-163
Translation by B.Debroy -
The immensely intelligent Drona invoked brahmastra. It scorched Partha and all the invisible beings. The earth, with all its mountains and trees, began to tremble. Turbulent winds began to blow and the oceans were agitated. When the great-souled one invoked that weapon, there was terror among the Kuru and Pandava soldiers and all the beings and a great uproar arose. O Indra among kings! However, Partha was not frightened. He countered that weapon with his own brahmastra and everything became peaceful again.
Result : Arjuna had countered Brahmastra of Drona so it was definitely not the effect of Drona's Brahmastra

b) Brahmastra of Karna

BORI Critical Edition -

Karna Parv, Section - 66
Translation by B.Debroy -
Using his strength, he invoked brahmastra. On seeing this, Arjuna invoked mantras and released aindrastra. Dhananjaya also invoked mantras on the bowstring of Gandiva and the arrows. He released showers of arrows, like Purandara pouring down rain. Those energetic arrows issued from the immensely valorous Partha’s chariot and were about to destroy Karna’s chariot. However, when they arrived in front of him, maharatha Karna repulsed all of them.
Result : Karna had shot Brahmastra to kill arjuna. Arjuna too invoked Aindrastra to counter Brahmastra of karna. Karna didn't let him to do it and destroyed aindrastra of arjuna shooting arrows. No narration about arjuna countering Brahmastra of Karna thus proves that Arjuna FAILED to counter brahmastra of Karna
  • Arjuna had baffled brahmastra of Drona but he failed to withstand brahmastra of karna thus proves that invincible brahmastra mentioned by Lord Krishna is the brahmastra of Karna
  • The 'master blaster' award goes to Karna who shot brahmastra in such way that it destroyed celestical chariot and unslayable horses of arjuna into ash

Last but not least

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

a) Karna already knew that arjuna was not worthy to withstand his brahmastra empowered by his mental powers in battle

BORI Critical Edition -

Karna Parv, Section - 29
Translation by B.Debroy -

          [Karna to Shalya]
For the sake of victory, I will use my mental powers to hurl the brahmastra at Partha. It is unrivalled and is victorious. In the battle, he will not be able to escape from it, unless my wheels get stuck in uneven terrain.
b) Yudhistira (brother) of arjuna too confessed that no one can withstand brahmastra of karna/Drona except Lord Krishna

BORI Critical Edition -

Shalya Parv, Section -61
Translation by B.Debroy-

          [Yudhistira to Krishna]
Who other than you, and Purandara, the wielder of the vajra himself, could have escaped from the brahmastras of Drona and Karna?
  1. Lord krishna used his divine power to skip blasting of 'Nandighosh'
  2. otherwise arjuna would have been blasted into ash (like the scene of Rama burning Ravana alive using Brahmastra

What would have been happened to Arjuna if Lord Krishna didn’t saved him from terrible Brahmastra of Karna?

[Image Source (Google) : Mahabharata Star Plus]

BORI Critical Edition -

Vana Parv, Section-274
Translation by B.Debroy -
At that, Kakutstha took a supreme arrow out of his quiver. It was excellent in the head and in the shaft and had a golden shaft. He invoked it with brahmastra and fixed it to his bow. When Rama invoked that excellent arrow with the mantra of brahmastra, on witnessing that, all the gods and the gandharvas, with Indra at the forefront, rejoiced. With the invocation of brahmastra, all the gods, gandharvas and kinnaras thought that the rakshasa only had a short span of life left now. Rama then released the arrow, unmatched in its energy. It was terrible and resembled Brahma’s raised staff, destined to kill Ravana. It enveloped the foremost among rakshasas, with his chariot, horses and charioteer, in a great mass of blazing flames. The thirty gods, together with the gandharvas and the charanas, were delighted to see that Ravana had been killed by Rama, whose deeds were unsullied. The five elements departed from the immensely fortunate Ravana. Through the energy of brahmastra, he was deprived of all the worlds. The ingredients of his body, together with his flesh and blood, were burnt so much by the brahmastra that even the ashes could not be seen.”
  1. Ravana was blasted into ash when Rama shot his terrible brahmastra because no one was there to protect ravana.
  2. In same way, ravana of mahabharata (arjuna) would have been blasted into ash just like ravana of ramayana but krishna saved his body from getting blasted into ash
Result : Arjuna was NOT skilled enough to counter brahmastra of karna

Conclusion : Arjuna failed to counter Brahmastra shot by master blaster karna which fell upon his celestical chariot and it blasted into the ash thus Lord krishna saved arjuna from karna in battle. If krishna didn't saved him then we would have celebrated 'Vijayadashmi' by burning woman kidnapper arjuna alongside another woman kidnapper Ravana


1 comment:

  1. You asshole who told you karna have pashupatastra. Mahadev himself told in kirat parva that this weapon was only available to Arjun so go n fuck karna
