Sunday 19 November 2017


The Defeat And Heroic Flight Of Arjuna From Bhargavastra Of Karna

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Apart from Nagastra, Pashupatastra, Brahma weapons and Vasavi dart, Unstoppable bhargavastra was one of the most destructive weapon of Karna. For all those who says that arjuna never ran away from must read about this ultimate weapon where Arjuna got award for the fisrt people who fled away from bhargavastra breaking all records of usain bolt and milkha singh. Lets celebrate running of roadrunner arjuna

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Part-1 : Heroic Flight Of Arjuna From Terrible Bhargavastra Of Karna

a) Karna had picked up his Vijaya bow first time and strung it. He took pledge of truth and invoked bhargavastra using power of his truth

BORI Critical Edition –

Karn Parv, Section-45
Translation by B.Debroy -
Having spoken these words, the powerful and brave son of a suta, picked up Vijaya, his ancient and excellent bow. O great king! Having strung it, he repeatedly rubbed the string. He asked the warriors to return. “The immensely strong one with an immeasurable soul took a pledge of truth and invoked the bhargava weapon
Cross Verification :

Bhargava astra was the weapon of lord shiva as Bhargava is one of the popular name of Lord Shiva

BORI Critical Edition –

Drona Parv, Section – 173
Translation by B.Debroy -

[Ved Vyass to Arjuna]
He is the one who bears oblations to the gods. He is the archer. He is Bhargava. He has many forms. He is the lord of the universe. He is attired in rags. He has a thousand heads. He has a thousand faces. He has a thousand arms. He has a thousand feet. O Kounteya! Seek refuge with him. He is the granter of boons
  • Karna had invoked bhargavastra of lord shiva using power of his truth
  • To shoot bhargavastra, karna had to replace his bow. He had picked up Vijaya bow and strung it
b) Bhargava astra as destroyer of Pandavas army

BORI Critical Edition –
Translation by B.Debroy -
O king! In the great battle, thousands, millions, billions and crores of extremely sharp arrows issued from it. They were extremely terrible and blazed, shafted with the feathers of herons and peacocks. The Pandava soldiers were mangled and nothing could be seen. O lord of the earth! Great sounds of lamentation arose among the Panchalas. In the encounter, they were afflicted by the power of the bhargava weapon. O king! Elephants and men were brought down in thousands. O tiger among men! Chariots and horses were strewn around in every direction. O king! The slain were strewn around here and there and the earth trembled. The entire large army of the Pandavas was agitated. Karna alone was the foremost among warriors. He was like a fire without smoke. O tiger among men! That scorcher of enemies consumed the enemy and was resplendent. Having been slain by Karna, the Panchalas and the Chedis became unconscious. They were like elephants in a forest conflagration. O tiger among men! Those best among men lamented loudly. In the field of battle, loud woes of the terrified ones could be heard. O king! Terrified, they fled in different directions. There was the great sound of lamentation there, like that made by beings at the time of a flood. O venerable one! They were seen to be slaughtered there by the son of a suta. All the beings, including those belonging to an inferior species, were frightened. The Srinjayas were slaughtered in the battle by the son of a suta and repeatedly cried out to Arjuna and Vasudeva. They were unconscious, like those in the city of the king of the dead, calling out to the king of the dead.
  • When karna shot bhargavastra, earth trembled and all creature consumed by fear including inferior species (worms, insects)
  • Billions of terrible arrows issued from it and everything which came within his range got destroyed except one who fled away. It proves that fleeing was only option to save life from bhargavastra
  • All pandavas warrior had approached arjuna for help and begged before him to save their lives from bhargava weapon
c) Beautiful words of Arjuna

BORI Critical Edition –
Translation by B.Debroy -
[Arjuna to lord krishna]
At this, Kunti’s son, Dhananjaya, spoke to Vasudeva. ‘Behold the extremely terrible bhargava weapon. O Krishna! O mighty-armed one! Behold the valour of the bhargava weapon. There is no means of countering that weapon in a battle. O Krishna! Behold the angry son of a suta in the great battle. The brave one is like Yama and has performed a terrible deed. He is repeatedly casting extremely terrible glances towards me. I do not see any means of running away from Karna in this battle. If a man remains alive in a battle, there may be victory, or there may be defeat. O Hrishikesha! For the sake of victory, how can one be victorious if one is dead?’ O venerable one! Janardana wished to leave to see Yudhishthira and thought that Karna would be overcome with exhaustion in the battle.
  • Arjuna himself described caliber of bhargavastra. According to arjuna, it was impossible to counter bhargavastra of Karna. (It proves that efficiency of bhargavastra shot by karna was superior to efficiency of brahmasirastra and pashupatastra shot by arjuna)
  • According to arjuna, karna achieved terrible feat and looking like yama (god of death)
  • Arjuna himself accepted that he wanted to run away from karna in battle (Note line – Running away from Karna in battle)
  • Arjuna himself accepted that no one can obtain victory after his death. To obtain victory one must need to remain alive (poor arjuna saw his death)
d) Beautiful words of yudhistira

BORI Critical Edition –

Karna Parv, Section-48
Translation by B.Debroy -
[Yudhistira to Arjuna]
How have you withdrawn as a result of your fear of Karna? O evil-souled one! Had you given the bow to Keshava and become his charioteer in the battle, then Keshava would have slain the fierce Karna, like the lord of the Maruts bringing down Vritra with his vajra. It would have been better had you not been born in Pritha’s womb, but had been aborted in the fifth month itself. O prince! O evil-souled one! That would have been better than withdrawing from the field of battle.
  • Yudhistira also observed the body language and face expression of arjuna hence mocked him for fleeing from battle due to fear of karna
  • Yudhistira himself told arjuna that it would have been better if he would have been aborted in fifth month of pregnancy of kunti. Arjuna became angry after exposed by yudhistira and he attacked yudhistira to vomit his frustration
  • According to arjuna, he was going to kill yudhistira for his secrete vow.
Secrete vow was more important for Arjuna as compare to the life of brother

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Part-2 : Exposing Excuses TO Justify Pathetic Fleeing Of Arjuna

Excuse : Arjuna ran away from Karna to see yudhistira not because he was unable to counter bhargavastra

Exposing :

Just think logically.
  1. How many time it take to counter any weapon? Just few seconds are more than enough
  2. If Arjuna was really capable then he could have started yudhistira searching mission after countering bhargavastra. Why so hurry?
  3. Arjuna had reminded brother only after seeing bhargavastra then within fraction of second, he had adopted yudhistira searching mission because he don’t have time counter bhargavastra which could have saved lives of his army. Does it make any sense?
  4. Anyway Let see truth of coward arjuna and how he used yudhistira searching mission as excuse to flee from bhargavastra
Fact-1 : Lord krishna already informed arjuna about critical condition of yudhistira many times even before episode of bhargava astra still arjuna was not ready to search yudhistira and he continued fighting. He had adopted yudhistira searching mission only when karna shot bhargavastra

BORI Critical Edition -

Karna Parv, Section-43
[First FIR]
Translation by B.Debroy -
[Lord Krishna to Arjuna]
The sons of Dhritarashtra are after Yudhishthira, like those after a supreme jewel. Behold. They have been checked by Satvata and the lord Bhima. They are like daityas desiring amrita, but held in check by Shakra and Agni. However, many of them are again swiftly advancing towards Pandava. Those maharathas are like waters made turbulent by the wind, rushing towards the ocean during the monsoon season. They are roaring like lions, or like clouds at the end of the summer. The powerful and great archers are brandishing their bows. I think that Yudhishthira, Kunti’s son, has entered the jaws of death. The fortunate one has come under Duryodhana’s subjugation and is like an oblation poured into the fire
[Second FIR]
Translation by B.Debroy -
[Lord Krishna to Arjuna]
The king, the scorcher of enemies, has already been forced to retreat by Karna, who is powerful, dexterous and accomplished, and skilled in fighting. Radheya is capable of oppressing the best of the Pandavas in the battle. In addition, the brave one is with the great-souled sons of Dhritarashtra. He is controlled in his soul. When he fought with them in the battle, other maharathas robbed Partha of his armour. O supreme among the Bharata lineage!
[Reaction of Arjuna]
Translation by B.Debroy -
On seeing that Bhimasena had accomplished that extremely difficult deed, Arjuna slaughtered the remaining ones with his sharp arrows. O lord! Large numbers of samshaptakas were slaughtered in that battle. Bereft of sorrow and filled with delight, they became Shakra’s guests. With straight-tufted arrows, Partha, tiger among men, destroyed the fourfold army of the sons of Dhritarashtra.” ’
[Reaction of Arjuna]
Translation by B.Debroy -
Sanjaya said, “O king! Surrounded by a large array of chariots, Drona’s son swiftly descended on the spot where the king was. On seeing him violently descend, the brave Partha, with Shouri as his aide, violently checked him, like the shoreline against the abode of makaras. O great king! At this, Drona’s powerful son became enraged and enveloped Arjuna and Vasudeva with arrows
  • Karna had shot bhargavastra in section-45 and lord krishna already informed arjuna about critical condition of yudhistira in section-43 (much before two section)
  • According to lord krishna, yudhistira was conquered and almost entered the mouth of death. Still no yudhistira searching mission by arjuna
  • According to lord krishna, karna had broken armour of yudhistira and forced him to flee from battle. Still no yudhistira searching mission by arjuna
  • As long as karna was there around the yudhistira, arjuna didn’t started his mission but even after informed by lord krishna multiple times, arjuna was not interested to help his brother
  • Arjuna had engaged himself with sanshaptakas and then he fought with Ashwatthama. So even after getting information about condition of yudhistira, arjuna fought two encounters and he faced karna in his 3rd encounter where he remined his brother which was escaped from his mind during first two encounter.
  • Thanks to bhargavastra for reminding him about his brother.
Fact-2 : Arjuna had vowed that if anyone challenge him for battle then he won’t refuse challenge at any cost and for this vow he even left yudhistira to the mercy of drona

BORI Critical Edition –

Drona Parv, Section-16
Translation by B.Debroy -
Partha, tiger among men and the destroyer of enemy cities, was thus challenged and quickly spoke these words to Dharmaraja. ‘I have a vow that I will not retreat if I am challenged. O king! The samshaptakas are repeatedly challenging me. Susharma, together with his brothers, is challenging me to a battle. You should give me permission to kill him, together with his followers. O bull among men! I am incapable of tolerating this challenge. Know that these enemies have already been killed in battle. I tell you this truthfully.’ Yudhishthira replied, ‘O son! You have heard what Drona desires to do. Act so that his intentions become false. Drona is brave and powerful. He is skilled in the use of weapons and has conquered fatigue. O maharatha! He has sworn to capture me.’ Arjuna said, ‘O king! This Satyajit will protect you in battle today. As long as this Panchala is alive, the preceptor’s desire will not be fulfilled. If this lord Satyajit, tiger among men, is killed in the battle, you should never remain here, even if you are surrounded by everyone on our side.
Challenge by Karna – The brave one is like Yama and has performed a terrible deed. He is repeatedly casting extremely terrible glances towards me.
  • On 13th day, yudhistira informed arjuna about intension of drone and asked him to protect from Drona
  • As usual arjuna was not ready to help yudhistira as he was challenged by sanshaptakas for battle.
  • Arjuna had vowed that if anyone challenge him then he won’t refuse it at any cost. Arjuna himself asked satyajit to protect yudhistira and requested yudhistira to run away from battle in case satyajit is slain
Vow was more important for arjuna as compare to the life of brother
  • On 17th day, after shooting bhargavastra, karna had casted angry glances at arjuna and it was open challenge for arjuna.
  • Instead of to follow his vow to accept challenge of combat, arjuna ran away from karna using excuse to search yudhistira
The life of brother was more important for arjuna as compare to vow

Fact-3 : Arjuna had vowed to save all warriors within his range and for this vow he even attacked bhurishrva from behind but same arjuna abandoned his vow even though warriors themselves begged arjuna for help

BORI Critical Edition –

Drona Parv, Section-118
Translation by B.Debroy -
[Arjuna to bhurishrava]
O descendant of the Bharata lineage! His words were not angry, but he wished to remind them. Phalguna, Pandu’s son, spoke these words. ‘All the kings know about my great vow. No one who is within the range of my arrows will be able to kill anyone on our side.
  • On 14th day, arjuna had attacked bhurishrava from behind by concealing himself behind safe place (which was unseen by anyone). It was done by arjuna to save satyaki who was kicked by bhurishrava like football
  • King bhurishrava himself mocked arjuna for this coward act then as usual arjuna tried to justify his coward act using lame excuses.
  • According to arjuna, he attacked heedless bhurishrava because he had vowed to save all warriors within his range hence he saved satyaki for his vow
Vow was more important for arjuna as compare to the righteousness (dharma)

Task Of Arjuna – The Srinjayas were slaughtered in the battle by the son of a suta and repeatedly cried out to Arjuna and Vasudeva. They were unconscious, like those in the city of the king of the dead, calling out to the king of the dead.
  • On 17th day, Karna had killed millions of warriors in front of arjuna and warriors themselves begged arjuna to rescue them from bhargavastra
  • According to vow of arjuna, he must have attacked karna (like he attacked bhurishrava to save satyaki) or atleast he could have saved lives of pandava warrior by countering bhargavastra.
  • Arjuna had adopted third option that was fleeing the battlefield using excuse of yudhistira searching mission
The life of brother was more important for arjuna as compare to his vow

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Overall :
  1. On 13th day, arjuna preferred his vow over his brother
  2. On 14th day, arjuna preferred his vow over righteousness
  3. On 17th day, arjuna preferred his brother over his both vows
  4. On 17th day, arjuna again preferred his vow over his brother
Result :
  • Its clear like water that arjuna had abandoned his vows intentionally only once kurushetra war and that was bhargavstra episode.
  • When karna shot bhargavstra, this comedian arjuna forgot his all vows and reminded safety of his brother (which he forgot during entire war). Thanks to bhargavatra.
  • If arjuna would have faced bhargavstra for more time either he would have been dead or he would have reminded his grandmother (Nani).
  • Bhargavastra was nothing but reminder for arjuna about his relationship
  • This episode itself proves the bitter truth the way in which selfish people like arjuna made vows on spot for their personal benefit and abandoned it whenever their life fell in danger

[Image Source (Google) : Bhargavastra]

Conclusion :
  • Salute to arjuna for his legendary fleeing from bhargavstra (although his running speed was slow unlike ultra speed running of dwarka robbers episode).
  • Salute to all three supreme gods who were forced by arjuna to run away along with his chariot.
  • Salute to Vijaya bow which drove away arjuna from its first shot itself.
  • Salute to bhargavastra great reminder of relationship.
  • Salute to lord krishna who supported flight of arjuna to save his life from angry karna.
  • Salute to arjuna award which had been given to best runner inspired by Bhargavastra episode. (Milkha singh refused this award because he didn’t considered himself equal to arjuna in running)
Reference : BORI Critical Edition Of Ved Vyass Mahabharata

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