Saturday 7 October 2017



Yes, according to 19th parv of ved vyasa mahabharata (harivamsa parva) edited by BORI institute after 50 years research, Prince arjuna was defeated by demon Nikumbha

Screenshots from BORI CE -

Misconception - Some people says that demon nikumbha had boon hence he was unslayable in battle. Nikumbha was unslayble in battle not invincible. Even indra was immortal in battle (effect of nectar) still he got defeated by many warriors. So even unslayble warrior can be defeated but prince arjuna failed to defeat nikumbha owning to lack of skill

Let us find out an unknown but decisive defeat in the military career of great Arjuna.

1) Nikumbha struck mighty Arjuna unconscious and Prince arjuna began to vomit blood from his mouth

BORI CE (29 E) -

Translated by K S Ramachandran -

Nikumbha, the best among the powerful, as he came out, struck the son of pritha (arjuna) on the head, with a terrible mace, full of thorns. nikumbha vanished. the valiant son of pritha (arjuna) who was struck on his head by the mace became unconscious. He vomited blood and became unconscious.

Gita Press Translation -
  • Nikumbha struck Arjuna on the head with a mace. Arjuna vomited blood and became unconscious
2) Prince Arjuna failed to counter the illusionary attack of Nikumbha and demon nikumbha captured prince arjuna

BORI CE (29 E) -


Translated by K S Ramachandran -

Thousands of nikumbhas fought with kriShna, O the oppressor of enemies! thousands fought with the son of pritha (arjuna) and thousands fought with the valiant son of rukmini. This was a wonder. Some of the great demons (nikumbhas) held the bow of the pandava (arjuna), some others held his hand, some other great demons held his feet.

Gita Press Translation -

  • Nikumbha had divided himself into thousands of Nikumbhas. Krishna and Pradyumna successfully countered the illusionary attack of Nikumbha. Only Arjuna failed to counter it. As a result, some demons seized Arjuna
3) Demon Nikumbha hung prince Arjuna in the sky

BORI CE (29 E) -


Translated by K S Ramachandran -

Some of the great demons (nikumbhas) held the bow of the pandava (arjuna), some others held his hand, some other great demons held his feet. Holding the valiant (arjuna) in this manner, they rose up in the sky.

Gita Press Translation -

  • Nikumbha hung Arjuna in the sky (really humiliating situation for a Valliant warrior like Arjuna
4) Krishna and Pradyumna pierced Nikumbha to rescue Arjuna

BORI CE (29 E) -


Translated by K S Ramachandran -

Neither krishna nor the son of krishna (pradyumna), the destroyers of enemies, could see an end to this. They cut off the nikumbha-s by shooting arrows, avoiding the son of partha (arjuna).

Gita Press Translation -

  • Lord Krishna and mighty Pradyumna continued fighting with Nikumbha, and took care not to afflict prince Arjuna who was seized by Nikumbha in sky
5) Prince Arjuna fell from the sky and Pradyumna saved his life as he caught him

BORI CE (29 E) -


Translated by K S Ramachandran -

As his head was cut off, he released the one, born under the star of phalguni (arjuna). The chief of demons fell down like a tree whose roots are cut off. As the son of pritha (arjuna) who went up in the sky was falling down, the son of krishna (pradyumna) caught him according to the words of krishna.

Gita Press Translation -

  • At last, Krishna killed Nikumbha. Nikumbha was holding Arjuna in the sky at that time. As Nikumbha was killed, Arjuna started to fall down. Luckily Pradyumna caught him and thus Arjuna's life was saved]
Conclusion : Nikumbha had completely routed prince Arjuna and as usual lord krishna saved life of prince arjuna from that demon.

SOURCE : Harivamsa Parv of Mahabharata by Critical Edition Of BORI


  1. Hey when did this happen, during the burning of Khandavaprasth?
