Friday 27 October 2017


Karna was the only warrior of mahabharata who single handedly conquered more than hundred mighty kings within few minutes in kalinga princess swayamvar battle. Being ace archer of mahabharata, it was too easy task for karna which was almost impossible for other ordinary archers

Battle of Kalinga

[Image Source (Google) : Mahabharata Star Plus]

BORI Critical Edition -

Shanti Parv, Section-4

1) On hearing news about swayamvara festival, many hundreds kings went to win hand of kalinga princess. Prince duryodhana also went there along with Karna, Bhishma and Drona
Translation by B.Debroy -
‘Narada said, “O bull among the Bharata lineage! Having thus obtained weapons from the descendantof the Bhargava lineage, together with Duryodhana, Karna amused himself. On one occasion, many kings assembled at a svayamvara ceremony organized by Chitrangada, the king of Kalinga. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! There was a prosperous city named Rajapura there. For the sake of the maiden, hundreds of kings assembled there. On hearing that all the kings had gathered there, Duryodhana also went there on his golden chariot, accompanied by Karna. At that svayamvara, a great festival was organized. O supreme among kings! Many kings came there for the sake of the maiden.
2) All famous kings from east, west, north, south went there for the sake of maiden including Shishupal, Jarasandha, Bhishmaka, Vakra, Kapotaroma, Nila, Rukmi, Srigala, Ashoka, Shatadhanva and Bhoja
Translation by B.Debroy -
O great king! Shishupala, Jarasandha, Bhishmaka, Vakra, Kapotaroma, Nila, Rukmi, firm inhis valour, Srigala, who ruled over a kingdom of women, Ashoka, Shatadhanva and the valiant Bhoja were among them. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! There were many others who resided in the southern directions, preceptors from among the mlecchas and kings from the east and the north. All of them were adorned in golden armlets and were decorated in garlands made out of molten gold. All of them possessed radiant bodies and were crazy in their pride, like tigers. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! When all those kings had seated themselves, the maiden entered the arena with her nurse, guarded by eunuchs. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! While the names of the kings were being recounted, the beautiful maiden passed by the son of Dhritarashtra. Kouravya Duryodhana could not tolerate that he had been passed by. Ignoring all the kings, he asked the maiden to stop.
3) Durydhana was protected by bhishma and drona when he lifted kalinga princess for kidnapping. Duryodhana had challenged all kings (thus jarasandha was also challenged by duryodhna who comes to win maiden)
Translation by B.Debroy -
Protected by Bhishma and Drona, he was intoxicated by his valour. He lifted the maiden up onto his chariot and challenged the kings. O bull among men! Karna wielded a sword and had donned arm guards and finger-guards. Riding on a chariot, the best among all wielders of weapons guarded him from the rear. O Yudhishthira.
4) Jarasandha, Shishupala, Rukmi and hundreds of kings together attacked Karna in group but valiant Karna single handedly defeated all of them. All of them turned back and fled away from karna after humiliating defeat
Translation by B.Debroy -
There was a tumult and a loud sound arose among the kings, as body armour was donned, chariots were yoked and they angrily attacked Karna and Duryodhana. They released showers of arrows, like clouds on a mountain. With razor-sharp arrows, Karna brought each of their bows, with arrows affixed to them, down on the ground. Deprived of their bows, some advanced, raising other bows. Some attacked with arrows. Others grasped javelins and clubs. Karna was supreme among strikers and oppressed them with his dexterity. He slew many charioteers and defeated the kings. At this, they themselves picked up the reins of their mounts and said, ‘Go away.’ Devastated in their hearts, the kings abandoned the battle. Protected by Karna, Duryodhana was assured. Bringing the maiden with them, they cheerfully returned to the city of Nagasahvya.”’
  • It should be note that Bhishma and Drona were protectors of duryodhana but still they failed to protect Duryodhana
  • when all hundreds of king together attacked duryodhana only karna stood there to protect his friend and Bhishma/Drona are missing from fight
  • Karna single handedly crushed all warriors and rescued his friend
Cross Reference -

[Bhishma to Karna]
Translation by B.Debroy -
O Karna! You went to the king’s capital and as a single archer, defeated all the kings in battle, for the sake of the king of the Kurus.
List of kings defeated by Karna in archery -
  • Shishupal
  • Jarasandha
  • Bhishmaka,
  • Vakra
  • Kapotaroma
  • Nila
  • Rukmi
  • Srigala
  • Ashoka
  • Shatadhanva
  • Bhoja
  • Many hundreds King 

Defeat of Jarasandha in wrestling by Karna

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

BORI Critical Edition-

Shanti Parv, Section-5

1) Mighty jarasandha had invited valiant karna for another encounter (for revenge of his previous defeat). They fought in archery but soon their arrows were exhausted (technically they were bowless. All warriors didn’t have inexhaustible quiver like arjuna otherwise karna could have defeated jarasandha in archery like he beat jarasandha in kalinga swayamvar battle).
Translation by B.Debroy -
‘Narada said, “Having learnt about Karna’s strength, King Jarasandha, the lord of Magadha, challenged him to a duel. Both of them knew about the use of divine weapons and a battle commenced between them. In the encounter, they showered down many kinds of weapons on each other. Their arrows were exhausted. They were without bows. Their swords were shattered.
2) Finally, Karna and Jarasandha had jumped from their chariots and started to wrestle using bare arms. Jarasandha was overpowered by karna in wrestling. Karna was about to sever the two parts of the body that had been brought together by Jara and jarasandha began to cry in pain. Jarsandha accepted his defeat and surrendered himslef in fornt of karna. Kind hearted karna spared the life of jarasandha being well known as ‘vrisha’ - mercy for enemy
Translation by B.Debroy -
The powerful ones descended on the ground and started to wrestle with each other with bare arms. While fighting with him in that terrible duel with bare arms, Karna was about to sever the two parts of the body that had been brought together by Jara. O descendant of the Bharata lineage! On seeing that his body was about to face this hardship, the king cast aside all enmity and spoke these affectionate words to Karna.
‘I am pleased.’ He gave Karna the city of Malini. O tiger among men! Before this, the one who had defeated his enemies had ruled over Anga. But now, Karna, the afflicter of enemy forces, also began to rule Champa, after having obtained Duryodhana’s permission. You know about all this. Thus, through the power of his weapons, he became famous on earth.
Cross Reference -

[Bhishma to Karna]
Translation by B.Debroy -
The powerful King Jarasandha was invincible in an encounter and prided himself in battle. But even he wasn’t your equal.
  • Karna was the only wrestler capable to sever two parts of the body united by jara
  • Bhima was unable to sever two parts of his body although lord keishna helped him. Bhim had broken spinal cord (back) of jarasandha and killed him as per instruction of lord krishna

Overview -
  1. Shishupal
  2. Jarasandha (In archery)
  3. Jarasandha (In wrestling - defeated and spared)
  4. Bhishmaka,
  5. Vakra
  6. Kapotaroma
  7. Nila
  8. Rukmi
  9. Srigala
  10. Ashoka
  11. Shatadhanva
  12. Bhoja
  13. Many hundreds Kings
Hands down… Vaikartana Karna…!!


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