Friday 13 October 2017


According to original ved vyasa mahabharata, great warrior abhimanyu was superior to arjuna but inferior to valiant karna. It’s also bitter truth that he was fairly killed by kauravas inside chakrayuh. Being follower of karna, I would like to accept bravery of abhimanyu as he was brave unlike his father


1) According to reporter Sanjaya, great warrior Abhimanyu was superior to arjuna in battle

Narrative-1 :

[Sanjaya to Dhritrashtra]

At last, regarding Drona incapable of being resisted by any one else, Yudhishthira placed that heavy and unbearable burden on the son of Subhadra. Addressing Abhimanyu, that slayer of hostile heroes, who was not inferior to Vasudeva himself and whose energy was superior to that of Arjuna, the king said, 'O child, act in such a way that Arjuna, returning (from the Samsaptakas), may not reprove us

Narrative-2 :

[Sanjaya to Dhritrashtra] 

then Arjuna's son, superior to Arjuna's self eased in golden mail and owning an excellent standard that bore the device of a Karnikara tree, fearlessly encountered, from desire of battle, warriors headed by Drona, like a lion-cub assailing a herd of elephants.

  • According to reporter sanjaya, energy of abhimanyu was superior to energy of arjuna
  • It proves that arjuna was not great warrior like his son abhimanyu
2) Arjuna himself accepted superiority of his son Abhimanyu being better warrior
In the counting of car-warriors always reckoned as a Maharatha, superior to me one and a half times, of tender years, of mighty arms, even dear to Pradyumna and Kesava and myself, alas, if I do not behold that son I will repair to the abode of Yama.
  • The statement of arjuna also proves that abhimanyu was superior to arjuna in battle


1) Abhimanyu was defeated by bhagadatta even though abhimanyu attacked bhagadatta in group but still defeated by bhagadatta

Narrative-1 :

And he pierced Bhima with one arrow, and the Rakshasa with nine. And he pierced Abhimanyu with three, and the Kekaya brothers with five. And with another straight arrow shot from his bow drawn to its fullest stretch, he pierced, in that battle, the right arm of Kshatradeva. Thereupon the latter's bow with arrow fixed on the bowstring dropped down from his hand. And he struck the five sons of Draupadi with five arrows. And from wrath, he slew the steeds of Bhimasena. And with three shafts winged with feathers, he cut down Bhimasena's standard bearing the device of a lion. And with three other shafts he pierced Bhima's charioteer. Deeply pierced by Bhagadatta in that battle, and exceedingly pained, Visoka thereupon, O chief of the Bharatas, sat down on the terrace of the car. Then, O king, that foremost of car-warriors, viz., Bhima, thus deprived of his car, quickly jumped down from his large vehicle taking up his mace. Beholding him with mace upraised and looking like a crested hill, all thy troops, O Bharata, became filled with great fear. Just at this time that son of Pandu who had Krishna for his charioteer, O king, slaughtering the foe on all sides as he came, appeared at that spot where those tigers among men, those mighty car-warriors, viz., Bhimasena and Ghatotkacha, sire and son, were engaged with the ruler of the Pragjyotishas. Beholding his brothers, those mighty car-warriors, engaged in battle, that son of Pandu quickly commenced to fight, profusely scattering his shafts, O chief of the Bharatas. Then that mighty car-warrior, viz., king Duryodhana, speedily urged on a division of his troops abounding with cars and elephants. Towards that mighty division of the Kauravas thus advancing with impetuosity, Arjuna of white steeds rushed with great impetuosity. Bhagadatta also, upon that elephant of his, O Bharata, crushing the Pandava ranks, rushed towards Yudhishthira.

  • Gang of warriors (pandava rank) including abhimanyu, ghatotkach, satyaki and many together attacked bhagadatta. It might be heart attack for pandava followers seeing their idol attacking others in group but truth should be accepted when proof is there. Bhagadatta alone crushed pandava rank. Abhimanyu attacked bhagadatta in group still defeated and fled from battle
Narrative-2 :

Meanwhile, king Bhagadatta on his elephant, shooting shafts on the foe, looked resplendent like the Sun himself scattering his rays on the earth. Arjuna's son then pierced him with a dozen shafts, and Yuyutsu with ten, and each of the sons of Draupadi pierced him with three shafts and Dhrishtaketu also pierced him with three. That elephant then, pierced with these shafts, shot with great care, looked resplendent like a mighty mass of clouds penetrated with the rays of the sun. Afflicted with those shafts of the foe, that elephant then, urged by its riders with skill and vigour, began to throw hostile warriors on both his flanks. Like a cowherd belabouring his cattle in the forest with a goad, Bhagadatta repeatedly smote the Pandava host. Like the cawing of quickly retreating crows when assailed by hawks, a loud and confused noise was heard among the Pandava troops who fled away with great speed.

  • Abhimanyu along with many pandava warriors attacked bhagadatta in group and bhagdatta lifted all those warriors and threw outside battlefield. Great warrior abhimanyu again defeated by bhagadatta even though he attacked bhagadatta in group
2) Karna had defeated same bhagadatta during his digvijay conquest

Narrative-3 :

Then going to the north, he subdued the sovereigns (of that quarter) and having effected the defeat of Bhagadatta, Radha's son ascended that mighty mountain Himavat, all along fighting his foes. And ranging all sides, he conquered and brought under subjection all the kings inhabiting the Himavat, and made them pay dues.

  • Karna single hanadedly defeated bhagadatta during his digvijay conquest and same bhagadatta defeated abhimanyu many times in kurushetra battle


1) Boon Of Abhimanyu 

Narrative-1 :

And, indeed, your portions, ye celestials, shall fight, having made that disposition of the forces which is known by the name of the Chakra-vyuha. And my son shall compel all foes to retreat before him. The boy of mighty arms having penetrated the impenetrable array, shall range within it fearlessly and send a fourth part of the hostile force, in course of half a day, unto the regions of the king of the dead. Then when numberless heroes and mighty car-warriors will return to the charge towards the close of the day, my boy of mighty arms, shall reappear before me. And he shall beget one heroic son in his line, who shall continue the almost extinct Bharata race.' Hearing these words of Soma, the dwellers in heaven replied, 'So be it.' And then all together applauded and worshipped (Soma) the king of stars.

  • Lord soma himself granted boon to abhimanyu for defeating all warriors inside chakravyuh. Even jaydratha defeated pandavas using boon of lord shiva. So all feats achieved by abhimanyu inside chakravyuh were mercy of boon. Abhimanyu was indeed one day warrior
2) Age of Abhimanyu

Narrative-2 :

[Dhritrashtra to Sanjaya] 

three and thirty years have passed away since the time, when Arjuna, having invited Agni, gratified him at Khandava, vanquishing all the celestials

Narrative-3 :

Then Subhadra, the favourite sister of Kesava, gave birth to an illustrious son, like Puloma's daughter, (the queen of heaven) bringing forth Jayanta. And the son that Subhadra brought forth was of long arms, broad chest, and eyes as large as those of a bull. That hero and oppressor of foes came to be called Abhimanyu.

  • Abhimanyu was born before khandav dahan event in haranaharana parv of sabha parv. On other hand, Dhritrashtra admitted that total 33 years passed away when Arjuna burnt down khandava forest thus sanctioned that abhimanyu was 33 years matured man not kid as portrayed in TV serials.
3) Supporters of great abhimanyu inside chakravyuh

Narrative-4 :

Karna with rage and desirous of doing good to thy son, rained showers of sharp arrows on the invincible Abhimanyu. And the heroic karna, as if in contempt of his antagonist, also pierced the latter's followers on the field of battle, with many excellent shafts of great sharpness.

  • It is also misconception that abhimanyu alone entered chakravyuh. He entered array along with entire army. Unfortunately unlike abhimanyu, army of pandava was not protected by any boon hence karna destroyed all followers of abhimanyu.
4) Great abhimanyu under the protection impenetrable armour of lord brahma

Narrative-5 :

That foremost of all persons conversant with weapons, that valiant disciple of Rama, by means of his weapons, thus afflicted Abhimanyu who was incapable of being defeated by foes. Though afflicted in battle by Radha's son with showers of weapons, still Subhadra's son who resembled a very celestial (for prowess) felt no pain.

  • Karna had pierced Abhimanyu using his deadly weapons still iron man abhimanyu felt no pain although Abhimanyu couldn't counter single weapon of karna still he remained alive. amazing !
Narrative-6 :

Drona's son, however, in return, piercing Abhimanyu. with sixty fierce arrows of great impetuosity and keen sharpness, failed to make him tremble, for the latter, pierced by Aswatthaman, stood immovable like the Mainaka mountain.

  • All arrows of ashwatthama were incapable to penetrate body of abhimanyu. amazing!
Narrative-7 :

[Drona to Karna]

Abhimanyu is young, his prowess is great. His coat of mail is impenetrable. This one's father had been taught by me the method of wearing defensive armour. This subjugator of hostile towns assuredly knoweth the entire science (of wearing armour).

  • Drona himself confessed that Abhimanyu has protection of divine armour which was taught by Arjuna. Apart from boon of soma, this was another reason for failure of all arrows. It is also true that karna still managed to pierce abhimanyu in their third encounter as he targeted parts of his body uncovered by impenetrable armour. Abhimanyu was bathed in blood. So brahma armour is also prime reason because of which Abhimanyu managed to survive before deadly weapons of Karna



Hearing these words of the preceptor, Vikartana's son Karna quickly cut off, by means of his shafts, the bow of Abhimanyu, as the latter was shooting with great activity. He, of Bhoja's race (viz., Kritavarman) then slew his steeds, and Kripa slew his two Parshni charioteers. The others covered him with showers of arrows after he had been divested of his bow. Those six great car-warriors, with great speed, when speed was so necessary, ruthlessly covered that carless youth, fighting single-handed with them, with showers of arrows. Bowless and carless, with an eye, however, to his duty (as a warrior), handsome Abhimanyu, taking up a sword and a shield, jumped into the sky. Displaying great strength and great activity, and describing the tracks called Kausika and others, the son of Arjuna fiercely coursed through the sky, like the prince of winged creatures (viz., Garuda.). 'He may fall upon me sword in hand,' with such thoughts, those mighty bowmen, were on the lookout for the laches of Abhimanyu, and began to pierce him in that battle, with their gaze turned upwards. Then Drona of mighty energy, that conqueror of foes with a sharp arrow quickly cut off the hilt, decked with gems, of Abhimanyu's sword. Radha's son Karna, with sharp shafts, cut off his excellent shield. Deprived of his sword and shield thus, he came down, with sound limbs, from the welkin upon the earth. Then taking up a car-wheel, he rushed in wrath against Drona. His body bright with the dust of car-wheels, and himself holding the car-wheel in his upraised arms, Abhimanyu looked exceedingly beautiful, and imitating Vasudeva (with his discus), became awfully fierce for a while in that battle.

  • This was the most overrated group attack as kurushetra already witnessed many group attacks
  • Six warriors surrounded abhimanyu and broke his weapons, chariot, sword and wheel. They didn’t pierced abhimanyu during group attack just disarmed him
  • This group attack was fair as group attacks were considered to be strategy of war

POPULAR MISCONCEPTION - Group attack was unfair in the battle

It is also just misconception that group attack was unfair in battle. Abhimanyu himself was ‘master of group attack’ who always attacked other warriors in group. See some group attacks by great abhimanyu

Narrative-1 :

Screenshot (BORI CE) -

Screenshot (Gita Press) -
"Sanjaya said, 'The Parthas then, headed by Bhimasena, approached that invincible array protected by Bharadwaja's son. And Satyaki, and Chekitana, and Dhrishtadyumna. the son of Prishata, and Kuntibhoja of great prowess, and the mighty car-warrior Drupada. and Arjuna's son (Abhimanyu), and Kshatradharman, and the valiant Vrihatkshatra, and Dhrishtaketu, the ruler of the Chedis, and the twin sons of Madri, (viz., Nakula and Sahadeva), and Ghatotkacha, and the powerful Yudhamanyu and the unvanquished Sikhandin, and the irresistible Uttamaujas and the mighty car-warrior Virata, and the five sons of Draupadi,--these all excited with wrath, and the valiant son of Sisupala, and the Kaikeyas of mighty energy, and the Srinjayas by thousands,--these and others, accomplished in weapons and difficult of being resisted in battle, suddenly rushed, at the head of their respective followers, against Bharadwaja's son, from a desire of battle. The valiant son of Bharadwaja, however, fearlessly checked all those warriors, as soon as they came near, with a thick shower of arrows. Like a mighty wave of waters coming against an impenetrable hill, or the surging sea itself approaching its bank, those warriors were pushed back by Drona. And the Pandavas, O king, afflicted by the shafts shot from Drona's bow, were unable to stay before him.
  • On 13th day, Abhimanyu himself attacked drona in group and drona alone defeated more than 22 warriors. The battle ended with the heroic flight of abhimanyu. If abhimanyu can attack drona in group then there is nothing wrong if drona attacked him in group. As you sow so shall you reap
Narrative-2 :

And foot-soldiers and steeds and cars and elephants, belonging to thy army and numbering by hundreds, all accomplished in smitting rushed to the spot where Karna was frightening (his assailants). Then Dhrishtadyumna, and Bhima and Subhadra's son, and Arjuna himself, and Nakula, and Sahadeva, began to protect Satyaki in that battle.

  • Abhimanyu, bhima, arjuna, twins and many warriors attacked alone karna in group in order to rescue satyaki. If abhimanyu can attack karna in group then there is nothing wrong if karna attacked him in group. As you sow so shall you reap
Narrative-3 :

Karna, however, O king, with his arrows, resisted him in that battle in the very sight, O Bharata, of Bhimasena and Satwata. The mighty-armed Partha, in the very sight of all the troops, pierced the Suta's son, in return, with ten arrows, on the field of battle. Then Satwata, O sire, pierced Karna with three arrows. And Bhimasena pierced him with three arrows, and Partha himself, once more, with seven. The mighty car-warrior, Karna, then pierced each of those three warriors with sixty arrows. And thus, O king, raged that battle between Karna alone (on one side) and the many (on the other). The prowess, O sire, that we then beheld of the Suta's son was wonderful in the extreme, since, excited with wrath in battle, he singly resisted those three great car-warriors.

  • On 14th day, karna himself fought with three warriors at a time. Karna on one side and other group (arjuna, bhima and satyaki) on another side. If karna can resist 3 warriors at a time then no need to blame karna for group attack in case of abhimanyu
Narrative-4 :

Indeed, Shikhandi, and Bhima, and Dhrishtadyumna, the son of Prishata, and Nakula, and Sahadeva, and the (five) sons of Draupadi, and Satyaki, surrounded the son of Radha, pouring showers of arrows upon him, from desire of despatching him to the other world. The heroic Satyaki, that best of men, struck Karna in that engagement with twenty keen shafts in the shoulder-joint. Shikhandi struck him with five and twenty shafts, and Dhrishtadyumna struck him with seven, and the sons of Draupadi with four and sixty, and Sahadeva with seven, and Nakula with a hundred, in that battle. The mighty Bhimasena, in that encounter, filled with rage, struck the son of Radha in the shoulder-joint with ninety straight shafts. The son of Adhiratha, then, of great might laughing in scorn, and drawing his excellent bow let off many keen shafts, afflicting his foes. The son of Radha pierced each of them in return with five arrows. Cutting off the bow of Satyaki, as also his standard, O bull of Bharata's race, Karna pierced Satyaki himself with nine shafts in the centre of the chest. Filled with wrath, he then pierced Bhimasena with thirty shafts. With a broad-headed arrow, O sire, he next cut off the standard of Sahadeva, and with three other arrows, that chastiser of foes afflicted Sahadeva's driver. Within the twinkling of an eye he then deprived the (five) sons of Draupadi of their cars, O bull of Bharata's race, which seemed exceedingly wonderful. Indeed, with his straight shafts casting those heroes to turn back from the fight, the heroic Karna began to slay the Pancalas and many mighty car-warriors among the Cedis.

  • Bhima, Satyaki, Yudhistira and 12 pandava warriors surrounded Karna from all sides and then fled away from Karna in their own direction. Karna Parv, Section-78. Still do you think that group attack was unfair?


Narrative -1

Proceeding next towards the car of Dussasana's son, he crushed the latter's car and steeds, pressing them down into the earth. The invincible son of Dussasana, then, O sire, taking up his mace, rushed at Abhimanyu. saying, 'Wait, Wait!' Then those cousins, those two heroes, with upraised maces, began to strike each other, desirous of achieving each other's death, like three-eyed (Mahadeva) and (the Asura) Andhaka in the days of old. I ach of those chastisers of foes, struck with the other's mace-ends fell down on the earth, like two uprooted standards erected to the honour of Indra. Then Dussasana's son, that enhancer of the fame of the Kurus, rising up first, struck Abhimanyu with the mace on the crown of his head, as the latter, was on the point of rising. Stupefied with the violence of that stroke as also with the fatigue he had undergone, that slayer of hostile hosts, viz., the son of Subhadra, fell on the earth, deprived of his senses.

  • It also great misconception that dussasan son challenged abhimanyu for duel when abhimanyu was tired. It’s abhimanyu who attacked dussasan’s son and broke his chariot.
  • Dussasan’s son just fought for defence. Both of them engaged in duel and fell unconscious
  • Dussasan son crushed abhimanyu under his mace. Abhimanyu was armed with mace when he fought with son of dussasan. so abhimanyu was not weaponless.
  • Kuru warrior were really brave warriors who allowed abhimanyu to fight son of dussasana. They could have killed him in group attack (like pandavas killed Alayudha and VRISHSEN in group attack) but they didn’t attacked abhimanyu when abhimanyu was engaged with dussasan’s son
Narrative-2 :

[Yudhistira to Pandava]

"Hearing of the death of her son brought to such a plight by ourselves, she will, in wrath, with the fire of her mind, reduce us to ashes! How will Gandhari endure such poignant grief, after she hears her son, who always fought fairly, slain unfairly by us?"

  • Satyavadi yudhistira who was famous for truth also accepted that kaurava warriors were fair fighters who always fought fairly thus fair death of abhimanyu sanctioned by satyavadi yudhistiar
Narrative-3 :

Having shot showers of arrows and scorched the ten points of the compass, that tiger among men, viz., Karna, along with his sons, was quieted by Partha's energy. He left the world, taking away with him that blazing glory of his own which he had earned on earth by fair fight.

  • After the death of Karna, reporter sanjaya himself confessed that Karna earned glory because he always fought fairly thus he too sanctioned that abhimanyu’s death was fair
Narrative-4 :

[Balrama to Pandava]

The righteous-soule d Duryodhana, on the other hand, shall obtain eternal blessedness! Dhritarashtra's royal son, that ruler of men, who hath been struck down, is a fair warrior.

  • Lord balrama also accepted that duryodhana was fair fighter
Narrative-5 :

[Gods to Pandava]

Beholding these exceedingly wonderful things and this worship offered to Duryodhana, the Pandavas headed by Vasudeva became ashamed. Hearing (invisible beings cry out) that Bhishma and Drona and Karna and Bhurishrava were slain unrighteously, they became afflicted with grief and wept in sorrow.

  • After the fall of Duryodhana, all gods mentioned all warriors who were slain using deceit. The deaths of Karna, Bhishma, Drona and Bhurishrava were considered to be unfair by them but they too didn’t mentioned abhimanyu as his death was fair according to original mahabharata
  • Even if you read original mahabharata under mircoscope still you won’t find words like unfair/crook/deceit for kuru warrior. You can search same word and next you will find unfair/crook/deceit is always attach to the name of pandava warriors
Conclusion : Abhimanyu was fairly slain by son of Dussasana in face to face mace encounter



    1. Ya because arjuna fan and abhimanyu fans are completely exposed

  2. 110 percent correct information this stupid guy who commented can't bear the truth truth is always bitter for these abhimanyu and arjun fans.

  3. I don't know instead of keeping your hatred and logic aside why you people don't read the book or if don't have the time the reference and chapter is given here go and read and then decide that this is fake or not arjuna fanatics are always narrow minded...they people have watched tv serials and start to glorify him but if karna is glorified their ass is going to burn son of bitch..

  4. What a logic ..On 14th day Abhimanyu defeats karna over 4 times and if wants proof mail me..

    1. Lol,abhimanyu was not even alive on 14th day he died on 13th day only I don't know what kind of drugs you arjuna fans do.. and it was all because of the mercy of the boon

      Boon Of Abhimanyu

      Narrative-1 :

      And, indeed, your portions, ye celestials, shall fight, having made that disposition of the forces which is known by the name of the Chakra-vyuha. And my son shall compel all foes to retreat before him. The boy of mighty arms having penetrated the impenetrable array, shall range within it fearlessly and send a fourth part of the hostile force, in course of half a day, unto the regions of the king of the dead. Then when numberless heroes and mighty car-warriors will return to the charge towards the close of the day, my boy of mighty arms, shall reappear before me. And he shall beget one heroic son in his line, who shall continue the almost extinct Bharata race.' Hearing these words of Soma, the dwellers in heaven replied, 'So be it.' And then all together applauded and worshipped (Soma) the king of stars.

      Adi Parva: Sambhava Parva: Section LXVII
      Lord soma himself granted boon to abhimanyu for defeating all warriors inside chakravyuh. Even jaydratha defeated pandavas using boon of lord shiva. So all feats achieved by abhimanyu inside chakravyuh were mercy of boon. Abhimanyu was indeed one day warrior even jaydrath was invincible for that day🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. The boon is removed from BORI. So the boon is most likely an interpolation.

  5. If he had boon then how he got killed by Dusshasana's son.

    1. The effect of boon was already over when he fought Dussasana.
