Thursday 5 October 2017


Karna was not ‘tragic hero’ because there is no hero or no villain in mahabharata. All are grey characters. Karna is the best character of mahabharata

I would like to explain in detail from BORI CE as I have seen some people are trying to brainwash innocent public (specially those who don’t know sanskrit)

Misconception -1 : According to ved vyasa mahabharata, the very first chapter of the epic unambiguously lists Karna not only as an antagonist, but as an opponent of Dharma (trunk of unrightousness tree)

I have seen some people who are trying to fool public by wrong translation of sanskrit verse. According to BORI CE, Karna was the trunk of spiritual tree not adharma tree (Check out sanskrit verse and it’s correct translation by scholar B.Debroy)

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According to reporter Sauti and Lord Krishna, Karna was the trunk of spiritual/passion tree (मन्यु’ = high spirit as per Sanskrit). B.Debroy has correctly translated ‘मन्यु’ as ‘Passion’ thus Karna was indeed trunk of spiritual tree as per BORI CE (Sanskrit Dictionary for Spoken Sanskrit).

E.G - अभिमन्यु = fearless and high spirited (अभि=Fearless, मन्यु=High spirited)

Word to word translation-

Conclusion : According to ved vyasa mahabharata, the very first chapter of the epic unambiguously lists Karna not only as a main protagonist, but as an opponent of Adharma (trunk of spiritual tree)

Misconception -2 : Karna had plotted to poison Bhima and Duryodhana gave poison to Bhima on the advice of Karna

Some people says that in adi parv section-55, Duryodhana had plotted to poison bhima on the advice of Karna and Shakuni. Here is the narrative provided by karna haters to fool public

Refutation -
  • First of all, these karna haters even don’t know that narrative quoted by them belongs to chapter-61 of adi parv not chapter-55. First they should read mahabharata before posting anything against karna
  • Second, narrative provided by karna hater is not original. They even edited narrative and translated it as per their sweet wish. Check out original narrative from KMG
Narrative-1 :

"On the death of their father those heroes (the Pandavas) came to their own home. And within a short time they became well-versed in archery. And the Kurus beholding the Pandavas gifted with physical strength, energy, and power of mind, popular also with the citizens, and blessed with good fortune, became very jealous. Then the crookedminded Duryodhana, and Karna, with (the former's uncle) the son of Suvala began to persecute them and devise means for their exile. Then the wicked Duryodhana, guided by the counsels of Sakuni (his maternal uncle), persecuted the Pandavas in various ways for the acquirement of undisputed sovereignty. The wicked son of Dhritarashtra gave poison to Bhima, but Bhima of the stomach of the wolf digested the poison with the food
  • According to original narrative from KMG, Duryodhana gave poison to Bhima only on the advice of Shakuni not Karna. Karna haters edited narrative just to add name of karna and managed to fool public. Here is the quote from B.Debroy translation of BORI CE
Screenshot from B.Debroy - 
Narrative -2 :
Thereupon, the evil-minded Duryodhana, with Karna and the son of Subala, tried to banish them and oppressed them in various ways. That evil son of Dhritarashtra gave poison to Bhima with his food, but the warrior Vrikodara digested it.
  • After 50 years of research, BORI scholars found out that duryodhana giving poison to Bhima on the advice of shakuni is also interpolation. So even shakuni’s involvement in Bhima’s poisoning is interpolation
  • Yes, Karna was trying to kill pandavas but he didn’’t resorted to any deceit/plot rather he was trying to kill them in battle like warrior
Some people says that in adi parv section-119, Shakuni and Karna are confirmed to be part of conspiracy for poisoning of Bhima

Refutation -
  • First of all, these karna haters even don’t know that narrative quoted by them belongs to chapter-130 of adi parv not chapter-119. First they should read mahabharata before posting anything against karna
  • Second, narrative provided by karna hater is not original. They again edited narrative and translated it as per their sweet wish. Check out original narrative from KMG
Narrative-1 :

"Some time after, Duryodhana again mixed in the food of Bhima a poison that was fresh, virulent, and very deadly. But Yuyutsu (Dhritarashtra's son by a Vaisya wife), moved by his friendship for the Pandavas, informed them of this. Vrikodara, however, swallowed it without any hesitation, and digested it completely. And, though virulent the poison produced no effects on Bhima "When that terrible poison intended for the destruction of Bhima failed of its effect, Duryodhana. Karna and Sakuni, without giving up their wicked design had recourse to numerous other contrivances for accomplishing the death of the Pandavas.

  • The incident of Bhima poisoning happened when Kaurva-pandava didn’t joined school of Drona. Karna joined gang of Duryodhana when he went to Drona means he joined Duryodhana after the episode of Bhima poisoning hence karna’s involvement in Bhima’s poisoning is out of context
  • BORI CE (Critical Edition of mahabharat) edited the narrative provided by karna haters. The statement is different about karna. Just see quote from B.Debroy translation of BORI CE
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Narrative -2 :

This was freshly made kalakuta poison, so virulent that it made the hair on the body stand up. On this occasion, the Vaishya’s son alerted Pritha’s sons, so as to ensure their welfare. But though Vrikodara ate this, it had no effect on him. Though the poison was extremely virulent and was meant to kill Bhima, Bhima digested and tolerated it. ‘Then Duryodhana, Karna and Subala’s son Shakuni tried many other means to kill the Pandavas
  • BORI CE has omitted main words like karna using ‘wicked designs' to kill Pandavas. According to BORI CE, Karna was trying to kill pandavas using different way not conspiracy like Duryodhana
Some people says that in Karna parv Section-90, Lord Krishna himself blamed Karna for bhima poisoning
Refutation -
According to BORI CE, Lord Krishna blaming Karna for Bhima poisoning in section-90 of karna parv is an interpolation. BORI scholars after 50 years research found out that the statement of lord krishna was interpolation to justify unfair death of Karna
What are these other fair means/ways used by karna to kill pandavas?

Narrative -

And after having contracted a friendship with Dhritarashtra's son, he became intent on injuring the sons of Pritha. And he was always desirous of fighting with the high-souled Falguna. And, O king, ever since they first saw each other, Karna always used to challenge Arjuna, and Arjuna, on his part, used to challenge him

  • The above narrative proves that Karna and Arjuna used to challenge each other for face to face fight. This was fair way to kill arjuna thats why BORI CE omitted the word like ‘wicked design
  • The statement describe next fair attempt of Karna to kill pandavas which was rangbhoomi contest where he challenged arjuna for fight. As per BORI CE, all three were trying to kill pandavas in different ways. Duryodhana-by poisoning and Karna-in war. Karna entered rangbhoomi to complete his task
Conclusion : Karna and Shakuni were not involved in poisoning of Bhima. Duryodhana alone done this to save his brothers from Bhima

Misconception -3 : Karna had plotted to burn pandavas in the house of lac (varnavrat conspiracy)

Some people says that Duryodhana consulted with karna and it’s Karna who suggested Duryodhana to send pandavas to varnavrat in order to burn them. This is the quote by karna haters

"Vaisampayana continued, "King Dhritarashtra whose knowledge only was his eyes, on hearing these words of his son and recollecting everything that Kanika had, said unto him, became afflicted with sorrow, and his mind also thereupon began to waver. Then Duryodhana and Karna, and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, and Duhsasana as their fourth, held a consultation together. Prince Duryodhana said unto Dhritarashtra, 'Send, O father, by some clever contrivance, the Pandavas to the town of Varanavata.

Refutation -
  • According to BORI CE, the above narrative provided by karna haters is interpolation. After 50 years research, BORI scholars found out that it was pathetic attempt to defame karna in order to justify sins committed by pandavas hence BORI CE omitted it. So case closed
  • Even as per KMG, Karna was not involved in lac burning. As per KMG, Karna only knew that Pandavas were being sent away from Hastinapura. He didn't know that Duryodhana was planning to kill the Pandavas by

  • As Duryodhana knew that if Pandavas are sent away from Hastinapura, people may rebel. So he and his brothers began to win the support of the people. And meanwhile, the Pandavas were sent away from Hastinapura, to Varnavata Note one thing, till this stage, no plan was made to kill or burn the Pandavas. Even the house of lac was not built. Only the Pandavas were sent away from Hastinapura. So, till this point, Karna didn't know that Duryodhana was planning to burn the Pandavas.
Narrative -1 :

"Vaisampayana said, 'The wicked Duryodhana became very pleased when the king, O Bharata, had said so unto Pandavas. And, O bull of Bharata's race, Duryodhana, then, summoning his counsellor, Purochana in private, took hold of his right hand and said, 'O Purochana, this world, so full of wealth, is mine. But it is thine equally with me. It behoveth thee, therefore, to `protect it. I have no more trust worthy counsellor than thee with whom to consult. Therefore, O sire, keep my counsel and exterminate my foes by a clever device. O, do as I bid thee. The Pandavas have, by Dhritarashtra, been sent to Varanavata, where they will, at Dhritarashtra's command, enjoy themselves during the festivities

  • Duryodhana himself confessed that he didn’t have anyone to support his varnavrat mission except purochana
  • After the Pandavas were sent away to Varnavata, Duryodhana summoned Purochana in private, and told him to make a house of lac for the Pandavas and burn them when told. Only Duryodhana planned to make the house of lac. Let alone Karna, even Sakuni and Dussasana didn't know about this conspiracy. This was the personal plan/mission of Duryodhana
  • It should be note that pandavas burnt innocent woman and five kids in varnavrat burning in order to fake their death. So decision of duryodhana was right to burn pandavas as he could have saved lives of six innocents by burning six criminals
Some people says that in Karna parv Section-90, Lord Krishna himself blamed Karna for varnavrat conspiracy

Refutation -
According to BORI CE, Lord Krishna blaming Karna for varnavrat conspiracy in section-90 of karna parv is an interpolation. BORI scholars after 50 years research found out that the statement of lord krishna was interpolation to justify unfair death of Karna
Conclusion : Karna and Shakuni were not involved in burning of lac house. This was another private mission of Duryodhana

Why did BORI CE (most researched critical edition of mahabharata) omitted the name of karna from episodes of Bhima poisoning and Varnavrat burning?

There is green signal for karna by BORI CE because after research BORI scholars found out that the all narratives containing name of karna are interpolations. There are some other reasons to do so. Let’s see advice of karna to Duryodhana after the episode of varnavrat burning

Narrative-1 :

[Karna to Duryodhana]

Thus addressed by Duryodhana, Karna said, 'It doth not seem to me, O Duryodhana, that thy reasoning is well-founded. O perpetuator of the Kuru race, no method will succeed against the Pandavas. O brave prince, thou hast before, by various subtle means, striven to carry out thy wishes. But ever hast thou failed to slay thy foes. They were then living near thee, O king! They were then unfledged and of tender years, but thou couldst not injure them then. They are now living at a distance, grown up, full-fledged. The sons of Kunti, O thou of firm resolution, cannot now be injured by any subtle contrivances of thine. This is my opinion. As they are aided by the very Fates, and as they are desirous of regaining their ancestral kingdom, we can never succeed in injuring them by any means in our power. It is impossible to create disunion amongst them. They can never be disunited who have all taken to a common wife. Nor can we succeed in estranging Krishna from the Pandavas by any spies of ours. She chose them as her lords when they were in adversity. Will she abandon them now that they are in prosperity? Besides women always like to have many husbands, Krishna hath obtained her wish. She can never be estranged from the Pandavas. The king of Panchala is honest and virtuous; he is not avaricious. Even if we offer him our whole kingdom he will not abandon the Pandavas. Drupada's son also possesseth every accomplishment, and is attached to the Pandavas. Therefore, I do not think that the Pandavas can now be injured by any subtle means in thy power. But, O bull amongst men, this is what is good and advisable for us now, viz., to attack and smite them till they are exterminated. Let this course recommend itself to thee. As long as our party is strong and that of the king of the Panchalas is weak, so long strike them without any scruple. O son of Gandhari, as long as their innumerable vehicles and animals, friends, and friendly tribes are not mustered together, continue, O king, to exhibit thy prowess. As long as the king of the Panchalas together with his sons gifted with great prowess, setteth not his heart upon fighting with us, so long, O king, exhibit thy prowess. And, O king, exert thy prowess before he of the Vrishni race (Krishna) cometh with the Yadava host into the city of Drupada, carrying everything before him, to restore the Pandavas to their paternal kingdom. Wealth, every article of enjoyment, kingdom, there is nothing that Krishna may not sacrifice for the sake of the Pandavas. The illustrious Bharata had acquired the whole earth by his prowess alone. Indra hath acquired sovereignty of the three worlds by prowess alone. O king, prowess is always applauded by the Kshatriyas. O bull amongst Kshatriyas, prowess is the cardinal virtue of the brave. Let us, therefore, O monarch, with our large army consisting of four kinds of forces, grind Drupada without loss of time, and bring hither the Pandavas. Indeed, the Pandavas are incapable of being discomfited by any policy of conciliation, of gift, of wealth and bribery, or of disunion. vanquish them, therefore, by thy prowess. And vanquishing them by thy prowess, rule thou this wide earth. O monarch, I see not any other means by which we may accomplish our end.'
'Hearing these words of Radheya, Dhritarashtra, endued with great strength, applauded him highly. The monarch then addressed him and said, 'Thou, O son of a Suta, art gifted with great wisdom and accomplished in arms. This speech, therefore, favouring the exhibition of prowess suiteth thee well.

  • Karna strongly opposed Duryodhana's for his plots, and advised Duryodhana that they should conquer their enemies by prowess alone, following the path of Kshatriyas not by deceit. Dhritarashtra highly praised Karna's right advice
  • Anyway, under pressure from Bhishma, Drona, Kripa and Vidura, king Dhritarashtra at last didn't put Karna's suggestion to practice. Had he followed Karna's advice, the Kurukshetra War would have never taken place, as the Pandavas would have been destroyed in the battlefield by karna long ago.
  • The statement of karna proves that he was never part of any conspiracy and it is clear that Karna was the true friend and guide of Duryodhana who always tried to make Duryodhana follow the path of fairness and righteousness
  • This is also main reason why lord krishna never blamed karna for bhima poisoning or lac burning while counting his mistakes before his death. As per BORI CE, Krishna blamed him only for his harsh words for pandavas
Narrative -2 :

Those two Atirathas that were my Generals, viz., Bhishma and Drona, have been slain. Be thou my General, thou that art mightier than they! Both of those great bowmen were advanced in years. They were, besides, partial to Dhananjaya. Still both those heroes were respected by me, O son of Radha, at thy word!

  • For all those who says that Karna mislead Duryodhan must read this. It was Karna who forced Duryodhana to respect his elders. Bhishma and Drona always humiliated Karna for his cast but same Karna requested Duryodhana to respect his elders
Conclusion : Karna himself exposed all karna haters by his statement

Misconception -4 : Karna instigated Duryodhana to form the conspiracy involving Rishi Durvasa

Refutation -

BORI CE again omitted entire section of KMG which contains story of conspiracy involving Durvasa. According to BORI CE, Durvasa conspiracy is an interpolation

Conclusion : There was no conspiracy involving Durvasa by Duryodhana hence Karna instigating duryodhana is out of context

Misconception -5 : Karna instigated Duryodhana to capture Lord Krishna

Refutation -

I don’t think that it was conspiracy as it was open attempt to capture lord krishna using prowess not deceit. In those day, no one knew that Krishna was god and as lord krishna crossed all limits, there was attempt by Kuru warriors to capture him.

Why did Duryodhana wanted to capture Lord Krishna?

Before the arrival of Krishna at Hastinapura, Duryodhana had planned to capture him. Nowhere it is written that Karna had instigated him to do it. Even it is not written that Karna knew about it or not. So, Karna had no role in making this plan of Duryodhana 

"Duryodhana said, 'O Grandsire, I can, by no means, live by sharing this swelling prosperity of mine with the Pandavas. Listen, this, indeed, is a great resolution which I have formed. I will imprison Janardana who is the refuge of the Pandavas. He will come here tomorrow morning; and when he is confined, the Vrishnis and the Pandavas, aye, the whole earth, will submit to me. What may be the means for accomplishing it, so that Janardana may not guess our purpose, and so that no danger also may overtake us, it behoveth thee to say.' "Vaisampayana continued, 'Hearing these fearful words of his son about imprisoning Krishna, Dhritarashtra, with all his counsellors, was very much pained and became deeply afflicted. King Dhritarashtra then spoke those words unto Duryodhana, 'O ruler of men, never say this again, this is not immemorial custom. Hrishikesa cometh here as an ambassador. He is, besides, related to and is dear to us. He hath done us no wrong; how then doth he deserves imprisonment?' "Bhishma said, 'This wicked son of thine, O Dhritarashtra, hath his hour come. He chooseth evil, not good, though entreated by his well-' wishers. Thou also followest in the wake of this wicked wretch of sinful surroundings, who treadeth a thorny path setting at naught the words of his well-wisher. This exceedingly wicked son of thine with all his counsellors coming in contact with Krishna of unstained acts, will be destroyed in a moment. I dare not listen to the words of this sinful and wicked wretch that hath abandoned all virtue.' 'Having said this, that aged chief of the Bharata race, Bhishma of unbaffled prowess, inflamed with rage rose and left that place.'"

Duryodhana had made a plan to capture Krishna. But he hadn't put the plan to practice. Anyway, after Duryodhana left the assembly, Krishna suggested to Dhritarashtra, Bhishma, Drona, Kripa, Vidura and other Kuru elders that Duryodhana, Dussasana, Sakuni and Karna should be imprisoned and should be handed over to the Pandavas

Binding in the same way Duryodhana and Karna and Sakuni, the son of Suvala, and Dussasana, make them over to the pandavas. For the sake of a family, an individual may be sacrificed. For a village, a family may be sacrificed. For the sake of a province, a village may be sacrificed. And lastly, for the sake of one's self, the whole earth may be sacrificed. O monarch, binding Duryodhana fast, make peace with the Pandavas. O bull among Kshatriyas, let not the whole Kshatriya race be slaughtered on thy account.

Hearing Krishna's war provoking suggestion, Duryodhana became angry and reaffirmed his previous plan to capture Krishna. This time he consulted with Sakuni. And after consulting with Sakuni, he informed Karna and Dussasana of his plan. Nowhere it is written that Karna had instigated him to plan this. Karna had no choice but to silently watch everything as Duryodhana hardly used to pay heed to anyone's advice, and at that time he was already exceedingly provoked by the war provoking suggestion of Krishna

Duryodhana went away, in anger, from that place to the presence of wicked persons. And wending away from the court, the Kuru prince began to consult with Suvala's royal son, Sakuni, most clever in dice. And this was the resolution which Duryodhana and Karna and Suvala's son Sakuni, with Dussasana as their fourth, arrived at, 'This Janardana, quick in action, seeketh, with the king Dhritarashtra and Santanu's son, to seize us first. We, however, shall forcibly seize this tiger among men, Hrishikesa, first, like Indra forcibly seizing Virochana's son (Vali). Hearing that this one of Vrishni's race hath been seized, the Pandavas will lose their heart and become incapable of exertion, like snakes whose fangs have been broken. This mighty-armed one is, indeed, the refuge and protection of them all. If this grantor of wishes, this bull of all the Satwatas, be confined, the Pandavas with the Somakas will become depressed and incapable of any exertion. Therefore, disregarding Dhritarashtra's cries, we will seize even here this Kesava, who is quick in action, and then fight with the foe.'

Why did Lord Krishna asked king Dhritrashtra for imprisonment of Duryodhana and others in order to hand over them to Pandavas?

"Sahadeva said, 'What hath been said by the king is, indeed, eternal virtue, but thou, O chastiser of foes, shouldst act, in such a way that war may certainly happen. Even if the Kauravas express their desire for peace with the Pandavas, still, O thou of Dasarha's race, provoke thou a war with them.

Sahdeva himself provoked krishna to fail peace mission so it was war provoking mission by lord krishna. Pandavas were responsible for the attempt of imprisonment of krishna by duryodhana.

Conclusion : Karna neither instigated Duryodhana nor took part in the planning of the imprisonment of Krishna. This plan was made by Duryodhana, and Sakuni encouraged him also. Karna was a silent watcher in this incident

Misconception -5 : Karna instigated Dussasan to disrobe Draupadi and Karna called Draupadi ‘whore/prostitute’

Some people says that Karna called Draupadi ‘whore/prostitute’ hence he insulted Draupadi

Refutation -

Now let's see what Karna said.

[karna to Vikarna]

"O son of the Kuru race, the gods have ordained only one husband for one woman. This Draupadi, however, hath many husbands. Therefore, certain it is that she is an unchaste woman."

  • Karna called Draupadi 'Unchaste' mean 'Impure lady'. Even lord rama doubted that sita mata was chaste or unchaste so unchaste doesn't means whore. If Karna haters still claim this then they are claiming that Lord rama too considered goddess sita whore
Narrative-1 :

[Rama To Sita]

O princess of Mithila whether thou art chaste or unchaste, I dare not enjoy thee, now that thou art like sacrificial butter lapped by a dog!'

  • Karna's words were harsh, but truth sometimes sounds bitter. Karna clearly mentioned the religious and social rules and perspective about the marriage of one woman with many men. Though Karna's words were harsh, they were consistent with the rules ordained by the gods and scriptures. Kunti (mother of the Pandavas and mother-in-law of Draupadi) also accepted the same years before the incident at dice hall

[Kunti to Pandu ]

"The woman having intercourse with four different men is called a Swairini (heanton), while she having intercourse with five becometh a harlot."

  • Kunti also accepted that according to the social and religious rules of that time, a woman having relation with five men was called a harlot/whore
Some people says that Karna instigated Dussasan to disrobe Draupadi hence he insulted Draupadi

Refutation -

Now let's see what Karna said to Dussasana

[Karna to Dussasana]

"Take off the robes of the Pandavas as also the attire of Draupadi." "Hearing these words the Pandavas, O Bharata, took off their upper garments and throwing them down sat in that assembly."
  • Karna ordered Dussasana to take off the robes of the Pandavas and Attire (Uttarayan-Upper Piece of royal robe) of Draupadi. Does that mean that the Pandavas were standing naked in the assembly? Not at all. They took off their upper garments and sat quietly. This means Karna didn't ask Dussasana to entirely disrobe the Pandavas or Draupadi. In those days all women went around topless. See below picture

  • They didn’t cover up their breasts. This is shown by the way Kichaka describes Draupadi’s breasts in the passage below. If she was not topless, then there is no way he would have known that there is no space between here breasts.
Narrative -1 :

Endued with unrivalled beauty and celestial grace of the most attractive kind, that face of thine is even like the full moon, its celestial effulgence resembling his radiant face, its smile resembling his soft-light, and its eye-lashes looking like the spokes on his disc? Both thy bosoms, so beautiful and well-developed and endued with unrivalled gracefulness and deep and well-rounded and without any space between them, are certainly worthy of being decked with garlands of gold. Resembling in shape the beautiful buds of the lotus, these thy breast, O thou of fair eye-brows, are even as the whips of Kama that are urging me forward, O thou of sweet smiles, O damsel of slender waist, beholding that waist of thine marked with four wrinkles and measuring but a span, and slightly stooping forward because of the weight of thy breasts, and also looking on those graceful hips of thine broad as the banks of a river, the incurable fever of desire, O beauteous lady, afflicteth me sore.

  • At this time Draupadi was a commoner in Virata nagar. So, this means that commoners would not wear an upper garment that covers their breasts. In Sabha Parva, Draupadi is wearing many upper garments when she is being dragged to the assembly
Narrative-2 :

vaisampayana continued,--'Unto Krishna who was thus weeping and crying piteously, looking at times upon her helpless lord, Dussasana spake many disagreeable and harsh words. And beholding her who was then in her season thus dragged, and her upper garments loosened, beholding her in that condition which she little deserved, Vrikodara afflicted beyond endurance, his eyes fixed upon Yudhishthira, gave way to wrath."
  • Once Draupadi was dragged to the assembly by the Pratikamin, Karna asked the Pandavas and Draupadi to remove their upper garments (to symbolize that they are no longer royalty). The Pandavas removed their upper garments
  • Karna highly admired Draupadi after she managed to free her husbands (the Pandavas) from slavery of Duryodhana. Owing to Karna's admiration of Draupadi, she gained a unique status among the women of those days.
Narrative-3 :

[Karna to Draupadi]

"We have never heard of such an act (as this one of Draupadi), performed by any woman noted in this world for their beauty.... Indeed, the princess of Panchala, becoming as a boat unto the sons of Pandu who were sinking in a boatless ocean of distress, hath brought them in safety to the shore."

Conclusion : Karna never called Draupadi ‘whore/prostitute’ and he never instigated Dussasana to disrobe Draupadi rather he asked dussasan to take away royalty of pandavas and draupadi

Karna was the most eligible person according to lord krishna. This is what he actually deserves being epitome of righteousness (Udyoga Parv, Section-140)

 [Krishna to Karna]

Come, be a king, according to the injunction of the scriptures. On the side of thy father, thou hast the sons of Pritha, on the side of thy mother, thou hast the Vrishnis, (for thy kinsmen). O bull among men, know that thou hast these two for thy own. Proceeding this very day with me hence, O sire, let the Pandavas know thee as a son of Kunti born before Yudhishthira. The brothers, the five Pandavas, the son of Draupadi, and the invincible son of Subhadra, will all embrace thy feet. All the kings and princes, again, that have been assembled for the Pandava-cause, and all the Andhakas and Vrishnis, will also embrace thy feet. Let queens and princesses bring golden and silver and earthen jars (full of water) and delicious herbs and all kinds of seeds and gems, and creepers, for thy installation. During the sixth period, Draupadi also will come to thee (as a wife). Let that best of Brahmanas, Dhaumya, of restrained soul, pour libations of clarified butter on the (sacred) fire, and let those Brahmanas regarding all the four Vedas as authoritative (and who are acting as priests unto the Pandavas), perform the ceremony of thy installation. Let the family priest of the Pandavas who is devoted to Vedic rites, and those bulls among men-those brothers, the five sons of Pandu,--and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Panchalas, and the Chedis, and myself also, install thee as the lord of the whole earth. Let Dharma's son Yudhishthira, of righteous soul and rigid vows, be thy heir presumptive, ruling the kingdom under thee. Holding the white chamara in his hand (for fanning thee), let Yudhishthira, the son of Kunti, ride on the same car behind thee. After thy installation is over, let that other son of Kunti, the mighty Bhimasena, hold the white umbrella over thy head. Indeed, Arjuna then will drive thy car furnished with a hundred tinkling bells, its sides covered with tiger-skins, and with white steeds harnessed to it. Then Nakula and Sahadeva, and the five sons of Draupadi, and the Panchalas with that mighty car-warrior Sikhandin, will all proceed behind thee. I myself, with all the Andhakas and the Vrishnis, will walk behind thee. Indeed, all the Dasarhas and the Dasarnas, will, O king, be numbered with thy relatives. Enjoy the sovereignty of the earth, O thou of mighty arms, with thy brothers the Pandavas, with yapas and homas and auspicious rites of diverse kinds performed in thy honour. Let the Dravidas, with the Kuntalas, the Andhras, and the Talacharas, and the Shuchupas, and the Venupas, all walk before thee. Let chanters and panegyrists praise thee with innumerable laudatory hymns. Let the Pandavas proclaim,--Victory to Vasusena. Surrounded by the Pandavas, like the moon by the stars, rule thou the kingdom, O son of Kunti, and gladden Kunti herself. Let thy friends rejoice, and thy enemies grieve. Let there be, this day, a brotherly union between thee and thy brothers, the sons of Pandu."

  • Krishna want karna to be a king
  • Krishna want arjuna to become a driver of karna
  • Krishna want Draupadi to become a wife of karna
  • Krishna himself want to walk behind chariot of karna on foot
Description of Karna by ved vyasa -

Thus fell that hero who was a Kalpa tree unto those swarms of birds represented by suitors. Solicited by suitors he always said, "I give" but never the words "I have not!" The righteous always regarded him as a righteous person. Even such was Vrisha who fell in single combat. All the wealth of that high-souled person had been dedicated to the Brahmanas. There was nothing, not even his life, that he could not give away unto the Brahmanas. He was ever the favourite of ladies, exceedingly liberal, and a mighty car-warrior

Overall great Karna never deserved his fate but still he suffered a lot without any fault. There are 3 reasons for the downfall of karna (victory of pandavas)
  1. Generosity and Kindness of Karna
  2. Deceit of Pandavas
  3. Grace of Lord Krishna
Conclusion : Karna was the most righteous person and even supreme lord krishna wanted to walk behind chariot of karna


  1. Pavan भाई,;, Most of these images aren't working. I have checked using both computer as well as android phone. When you click on the images {present in this article}, some kind of error is being shown. The error message says that server I∙P∙ address could not be found.

  2. Really informative and great article. Great research

  3. Agreed. I believe that not even BORI CE can come closer to the Original Scriptures by Vyasa. For centuries, people have been praising Karna which means they have heard true events from their ancestors and read old and rare scriptures too without any interpolations. Now since these old scriptures were somehow not available, BORI removed it from the Critical Edition. I feel many people who loved Pandavas, especially Arjuna (Since Lord Himself gave Arjuna the Sacred knowledge of Bhagavad Gita); people addressed Arjuna with the soul grounds of Dharma. Thus, Karna being the greatest one out there got targeted by these group of people and all the great events by Karna and things said by Lord Krishna to Arjuna about Karna were considered Interpolation. Moreover failures and other such things got added up behind his name. All credit goes to the ones who wanna see Arjuna as the greatest warrior and not Karna. Thus I feel that Karna's Image got targeted by these individuals (scholars involved in the making of BORI CE)

  4. Listen I Know and also support that Karna is good but things you are saying are wrong. Pls, Pandavas were always on the right side and Kaurava's on wrong. Karna did appreciated Druapdi later but had called her slut. He was part in killing Abhimanyu and had to die because of these deeds mainly. Anyhowr was a great warrior and will be known as Danveer but pls don't say that the things he did with Druapadi and Abhimanyu was totally wrong.

    1. Yes those two things are the mistake of karna but the above things are the wrong things created by some fool people...karna had made mistakes but many people just added some things in that

  5. Yes, I want to ask that some people on quota always say that Karna was evil and disrespected women alot. They say that this is said in bori

  6. Yes bro you right karna ek Mahan manav the

  7. Sir you are right you opened my eyes Karna was the Great Man 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏Jai karna🙏🙏🙏

  8. Bhai khande padha app mahabharat.kabhi app ved vyas mahabharat padha hai.jhota baat website me mat pehelao

  9. Karna jadi itna mahan hai to woh Kyun Draupadi ko besya bola tha aur duryadhan ki sabhi adhrma ki satth dia.
    Arjun ku to sabhi mahanayak kehete hai aur uski name se Arjun award,Arjun battalion in indian army, American astroner give an asteroid name Arjun asteroid,etc. .to karna ko kyun sanman nehi di ja rahi woh bhi batteya.actually karna is sight character in mahabharat

    1. Agar arjun itna mahan yudha tha to usse kyu karna ko tab marna pada jaab wo pahiya zameen mai dhasa tha iss cheez koid mahanta dikhai nai deti.

    2. India me karna ke nam par Indian Navy ship hai jise karna ke nam se jana jata hai jo ki duniya ki top 10 deadliest force hai usme Marcos ke forces rehti jinhe bahut saalo ki training ke baad merit ke base. Me liya jata hai aur karna tank jo yudh me use kiya tha pakistani ke khilaf vo bhi karna ke nam par hai karna ke nam par daanveer karna award diya jata hai I mean jo society ke liye contribution krta hai use ye award milta hai india me

  10. Bro upar pada nahi Kya usne veshya nahi unchaste yani impure matlab ashudh bola tha abhimanyu KO chakravyuh mein CASA KE Marna Galat nahi that ITS just a war tactic Koi Hhi USE kar Sakta hai but yes group mein Marna galt tha i accept it.But te bahana Marna KI vo baccha tha ye sahi nahi hai agar vo bachha tha TO yudh ladne KE kyo Aya. Aur Bali cheezo mein kan uska Saath nahi Diya tha.

    1. Abhimanyu was killed fairly by
      Dusshasan son in a mace fight,drona himself admitted that abhimanyu is wearing an invisible armor so he said karna to broke his celestial rudra bow and he destroyed his bow in one single arrow and other killed his horses and destroyed his chariot then he taken wheel of chariot and attacked on drona and karna,karna agitate destroyed his weapons and spared his life then he taken a sheild and a sword and started killing random people and the he run towards dusshasan son and then they have mace fight and fought with each and finally dusshasan son crushed him his under mace...

  11. Karna killed Abhimanyu in wrong way.Arjuna killed Karna in wrong way.Hisaab barabar ho gaya

    1. Abhimanyu wasn't killed by छल.

      Abhimanyu वध occurred on 13ᵗʰ day. But, 2 days before that, on the 11ᵗʰ day, the 5 sons of Draupadii {उप पाण्डव} collectively attacked वृषसेन (who was alone) and fought against him.

      If, several Mahaarathiis, together {combinedly} attacking a lone (solitary) warrior, is a crime [or sin], then, it means, that, this sin, had already occurred, 2 days prior to Abhimanyu's death.

    2. Karna did not kill Abhimanyu, he only broke his divine bow and his armor. This armor was impenetrable which Arjun had made Abhimanyu wear with his mantra power. After that, Abhimanyu would take the sword and go to kill Drona, then karna would remove his sword from his hand by shooting an arrow. Then Abhimanyu would come with the chariot wheel to kill the drona and then karna would remove the wheel from its hand by shooting an arrow. After that, 6 maharathis surround Abhimanyu and shoot him with arrows. All those 6 maharathis were Duryodhana, Dushasan, Kritavarma, Dushasan's son Aswathama and Shalya, showering arrows on Abhimanyu.Then Abhimanyu would pick up mace and kill Aswathama's horse and charioteer and after that Abhimanyu would kill Dushasan's son's horse and charioteer. Then after that there would be a mace fight between Dushasan's son and Abhimanyu in which Abhimanyu would die due to a blow to his head. Drona and karna did nothing in this war, they were on the side.

  12. Abhimanyu wasn't killed by छल.

    Abhimanyu वध occurred on 13ᵗʰ day. But, 2 days before that, on the 11ᵗʰ day, the 5 sons of Draupadii {उप पाण्डव} collectively attacked वृषसेन (who was alone) and fought against him.

    If, several Mahaarathiis, together {combinedly} attacking a lone (solitary) warrior, is a crime [or sin], then, it means, that, this sin, had already occurred, 2 days prior to Abhimanyu's death.

  13. Good Manipulation 👏 your title is misconceptions but the whole thing you have written is itself a misconception. You have taken the advantage of translations and changed the actual mahabharat.
    For example, karna called Draupadi a bandhaki according to Sanskrit. If you translate it in your own Sanskrit dictionary, it also says courtesan which means whore. Your example with lord Ram. Seriously?? Did lord Ram called sita a bandhaki??
    Since English translations can't say words like whore or bicth directly the books mention it as unchaste which helped you a lot to prove your point. Most of your points are in the same way.
