Saturday 7 October 2017


[Image Source (google) : Mahabharat Star Plus]

According to ved vyasa mahabharata, on 14th day of kurushetra battle guru Drona had defeated prince Arjuna and forced him to fly away in order to save his life.

Some Facts
  1. Prince arjuna had advantage of celestical bow/string/chariot/horses/standard/quiver and protection of 3 supreme gods (lord krishna/lord hanuman/lord shiva).
  2. On other hand, Drona had nothing except ordinary bowDrona was always mild towards prince arjuna in battle
Some Misconceptions : Prince arjuna fled way from Drona because he didn’t want to waste his time as his aim was to kill king jaydratha (Most popular misconception/excuse/propogandas)
  • If arjuna didn’t want to waste his time then why did he attacked drona in first instance?
  • If arjuna didn’t want to fight Drona then why did he used even ‘mighty brahmastra’ to kill Drona that too twice ?
  • If arjuna didn’t want to beat Drona then why he struggled vigorously to pierce Drona with a single shaft?
  • If arjuna really wanted to target his vow about killing jaydratha then what about his another vow not to refuse challenge of battle by any warrior?
Narrative -
Arjuna has made a vow to the effect that summoned to battle he would never refuse to accept the challenge. The Suta's son should have, therefore, summoned Phalguna to battle."
  • The above text clearly proves that arjuna vowed to accept challenge for battle (for this vow he even abandoned yudhistira to die on 13th day and went to fight samsaptakas) but when drona challenged him then he refused to accept challenge. Why? I don’t think that arjuna would have committed suicide even if he failed to kill jaydratha.
  • Earlier he had broke many vows ( like vow of celibacy during exile, but he married thrice with Uloopi, Chitrangda, and Subhdra and lived majority of time at palaces of those princess instead of living in forest) He always gave all divine excuses , so that here also arjuna used divine excuse.If you read summary of Drona-Arjuna combat then you can see it’s drona who had upper hand and arjuna was totally helpless as he tried his best to defeat drona still failed. After struck by mighty drona, mighty arjuna fled away from battle
Analysis Of Battle

Defeat and Retreat -1 :

1) Prince arjuna himself attacked Drona to kill him in battle but lost his bow-string

Telling him this much, Drona, with a smile covered him with showers of sharp arrows, as also his car and steeds and standard and charioteer. Then, Arjuna baffling Drona's arrowy showers with his own arrows, rushed against Drona, shooting mightier and More awful shafts. Observant of Kshatriya duties, Arjuna then pierced Drona in that battle with nine arrows. Cutting the shafts of Arjuna by his own shafts, Drona then pierced both Krishna and Arjuna with many shafts that resembled poison or fire, Then, while Arjuna was thinking of cutting of Drona's bow with his arrows, the latter, endued with great valour, fearlessly and quickly cut off, with shafts the bow-string of the illustrious Phalguna. And he also pierced Phalguna's steeds and standard and charioteer.

2) Guru Drona overpowered prince Arjuna in battle hence he was going to suffer clear defeat by Drona

Narrative-2 :
Then, O king, the valorous Drona getting the better of his disciple, within the twinkling of an eye made Arjuna invisible by means of his arrowy showers. We then beheld the shafts of Bharadwaja's son falling in continuous lines, and his bow also was seen to present the wonderful aspect of being incessantly drawn to a circle.

3) After overpowered by Drona in battle, Arjuna began to go away by leaving his combat with his preceptor

Then keeping the mighty-armed Drona to their right, Arjuna proceeded onwards. Turning his face round, Vibhatsu proceeded, shooting his shafts.

4) After overpowered by mighty Drona in battle, Dhananjaya accepted his incapability to withstand Drona in battle


[Arjuna to Drona]
"Arjuna answered, 'Thou art my preceptor and not my foe. I am thy disciple and, therefore, like to thy son. Nor is there the man in the whole world who can vanquish thee in battle

5) Mighty Drona again challenged Dhananjaya arjuna to continue fight like Kshatriya because arjuna was trying to escape from battle.


[Drona to Arjuna]
Then Drona, addressing Arjuna, said, Whither dost thou proceed, O son of Pandu! Is it not true that thou ceasest not (to fight) till thou hast vanquished thy foe?

Conclusion : Prince arjuna had attacked mighty Drona and it was biggest mistake of arjuna because soon he was overpowered by drona in battle. Arjuna himself accepted that no one can defeat drona. Unable to face drona, mighty arjuna turned back and fled away from battle

Defeat and Retreat-2

1) Mighty Drona had managed to chase retreating arjuna and arjuna had no other option except to continue fight

Firmly devoted to truth, Arjuna then, of white steeds desirous of accomplishing his vow rushed against the foremost of car-warriors, viz., Drona of red steeds. Then the preceptor, Drona, struck his disciple, viz., the mighty bowman Arjuna, with five and twenty straight shafts capable of reaching the very vitals.

2) Prince arjuna even used ‘Brahmastra’ to kill Drona still failed to give small scratch to mighty drona

Thereupon, Vibhatsu, that foremost of all wielders of weapons, quickly rushed against Drona, shooting arrows capable of baffling the force of counter arrows, shot at him. Invoking into existence then the Brahma weapon, Arjuna, of immeasurable soul, baffled with his straight shafts those shot so speedily at him by Drona. The skill we then beheld of Drona was exceedingly wonderful, since Arjuna, though young, and though struggling vigorously, could not pierce Drona with a single shaft.

3) Mighty Drona again overpowered prince Arjuna and arjuna again invoked ‘Brahmastra’ to kill Drona

Like a mass of clouds pouring torrents of rain, the Drona cloud rained shower on the Partha-mountain. Possessed of great energy, Arjuna received that arrowy downpour, O king, by invoking the Brahma weapon, and cut off all those arrows by arrows of his own.

4) Mighty Drona again began to prevail over arjuna in battle then as usual wounded by drona arjuna left battle (like he did before) and fled away from drona.

Drona then afflicted Partha of white steeds with five and twenty arrows. And he struck Vasudeva with seventy arrows on the chest and arms. Partha then, of great intelligence, smiling the while resisted the preceptor in that battle who was incessantly shooting sharp arrows. Then those two foremost of car-warriors, while thus struck by Drona, avoided that invincible warrior, who resembled the raging Yuga fire.

Conclusion : Prince arjuna again attacked drona when Drona chased him. Arjuna used ‘Brahmastra’ two times to kill mighty drona still failed to do anything. He tried his best still failed to pierce drona. Mighty drona shot his arrows and wounded arjuna then Arjuna unable to face old man, he took heroic flight and fled away from drona in battle

Certificate of heroic flight of arjuna by drona -

Narrative -

[Drona to Satyaki]
Then Drona, addressing Yuyudhana, said, 'Thy preceptor (Arjuna) hath, like a coward, gone away, leaving the battle, avoiding me who was fighting with him, proceeding by my flank. O thou of Madhu's race, if like thy preceptor, thou too dost not quickly avoid me in this battle, thou shalt not escape me with life today, engaged as I am in battle with thee.

Conclusion : Guru Drona being preceptor of arjuna called his favourite disciple coward for running away from battle like cowardSo unable to withstand Drona in battle, turning his back mighty arjuna fled away from battlefield

SOURCE : KMG Version Of Ved Vyasa Mahabharata

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