Thursday 26 October 2017


According to original ved vyass mahabharata, Karna had overpowered and spared the life of arjuna in swayamvara battle. Truth is that Karna fought mildly and showed his mercy for arjuna (disguised as Brahmin) still karna overpowered arjuna and spared life arjuna. The life of arjuna was won by karna single-handedly during this battle. The battle of swayamvara itself proves the superiority of karna over arjuna

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Some Misconceptions/Propogandas :
Misconception-1 : Karna had gained upper hand because the armour and earrings of karna helped him during batlle with arjuna (disguised as Brahmin)

  • Karna was born with armour-rings thus it was body part of karna.
  • There is nothing wrong if his body part protected him. Moreever there was no help by karna’s body part (armour-rings) for karna because not even single arrow of arjuna was able to touch armour-rings as karna had cut off all arrows of arjuna into six pieces
  • There is clear description in drona parv about Brahma armour of duryodhana repelling arrows of arjuna but no description of karna’s armour repelling arrows because arrows failed to reach armour so repelling is out of context.
  • If arrows didn’t reached to armour then help by armour-rings is out of context
Misconception-2 : Arjuna struck Karna unconscious before the start of fight
Refutation –
  • Yes, according to KMG version, Arjuna struck karna unconscious but unfortunately BORI Critical Edition has omitted the verse being an interpolation.
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

Translation by B.Debroy –
Seeing Vaikartana Karna rush towards him, the wise Arjuna stretched his mighty bow and pierced him with three arrows. The impact of these sharp arrows stunned Radheya and he approached with greater circumspection.
  • According to BORI Critical Edition, Karna never fell unconscious rather he was just stunned (amazed)
  • Karna swooning episode is an interpolation as per BORI Critical Edition of mahabharata. Infact nowhere it is written that karna regained his sense so losing sense is out of context.
Misconception-3 : Karna withdrew from fight due to fear of arjuna and he thought that energy of Brahmin (arjuna) was invincible.
  • Karna withdrew from fight due to fear of brahmahatya not arjuna as he gained upper hand and his next arrow might have killed brahmin (arjuna).
  • Karna never thought that strength of arjuna is invincible as karna already destroyed strength of arjuna.
  • According to bias vaisampayana, karna withdrew from fight because he thought that strength of brahmana is invincible.
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

Translation by B.Debroy –
At these words, Radheya Karna withdrew from the battle, because the maharatha thought that Brahmana strength was invincible
What is the meaning of brahmana strength(ब्रह्मं ) ) as per original Sanskrit text?
  • There are two words for ‘brahmana’ in sanskrit. One is (ब्राह्मण) and another is (ब्रह्मं)
  • The word (ब्राह्मण) denotes lineage of brahmanas. Arjuna was disguised as ‘(ब्राह्मण) brahmana. He was not (ब्रह्मं) brahmana
  • The (ब्रह्मं) brahmana refered in the text is no one other than Lord Brahma. (ब्रह्मं) brahmana only used for lord brahma in sanskrit. Let see example
BORI Critical Edition -

Karn Parv, Section-29

Translation by B.Debroy –
When it is the time for your death, it will go elsewhere.” The brahman can certainly not be present in a person who is not a brahmana.
  • Lord parshurama himself cursed karna to forget (ब्रह्मं ) brahmana means lord brahma thus strength of lord brahma clearly refers to the ‘brahmastra’
Was (ब्रह्मं - Brahma Tej) really invincible as confessed by vaisampayana?
  • Even brahmastra energy was not invincible as karna had destroyed brahmastra of arjuna during final encounter thus exposed statement of vaisamapayana.
  • If brahmastra of arjuna was really invisible then why it was detsroyed by ordinary arrows of karna?
  • This itself proves that brahmastra was arjuna was as useless as its wielder and it was never invincible
  • Karna just withdraw from fight as the word ‘withdraw’ denotes act of pause where warrior is not defeated. Karna was invincible after destroying arjuna in battle
(ब्रह्मं - Brahma Tej) = Lord Brahma strength (Brahmana strength) = Brahmastra

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

Some Facts :
1) All kshtriya warriors already decided not to kill brahmanas (arjuna and bhima) thus both of them were already spared by kshtriyas

BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section 180

Translation by B.Debroy –
[Decision of Kshtriyas]
Though that Brahmana has done injury to kings out of his impertinence and greed, he should not still be killed. After all, our kingdoms, lives, riches, sons, grandsons and all our other wealth exist for the sake of Brahmanas. But something must be done to prevent insult and to protect our own dharma, so that other svayamvaras do not end like this one.
2) All the kings were ready to desist from battle after confirming that Bhima and Arjuna (disguised as brahmanas) were really brahmanas thus proves that they never wanted to kill brahmanas
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

Translation by B.Debroy –

[Decision of Kshtriyas]
Therefore, let us desist from this fight against the Brahmanas. Let us find out who they are and then we will happily fight with them again.
3) Karna, Shalya and Duryodhana also attacked Brahmanas (Bhima and Arjuna) and the text clearly states that they were fighting mildly thus proves that arjuna was already under the mercy of kind hearted karna.
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

Translation by B.Debroy –
Then the mighty Vaikartana Karna rushed at Arjuna, eager to fight, like an elephant rushes at a rival over a female elephant. Shalya, king of the Madras, rushed at Bhimasena. Duryodhana and the others rushed at the Brahmanas, but they fought with them lightly and carelessly.
(मृदु) = Lightly/Mildly

4) Prince Dussasan too confessed that arjuna was unable to obtain draupadi withous disguise of brahmana because costume of brahmana saved the life of arjun
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-192

B.Debroy Translation –
“O king! If Dhananjaya had not been disguised as a Brahmana, he would never have succeeded in obtaining Droupadi. No one recognized him because of that.

[Image Source (Google) : Suryaputra Karn Sony TV]

The Analysis of Encounter -
  1. The encounter analysis is clear like water.
  2. Karna fought mildly but arjuna fought with full strength still karna gained upper hand over arjuna and all warriors praised karna for his upcoming victory.
  3. In those days, even enemy used to praise his rivals but kshtriyas didn’t praised arjuna as he was overpowered by mighty karna so easily
BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

Translation by B.Debroy –
Then those two invincible warriors fought violently, each eager to vanquish the other. Such was the speed that they became invisible. “Look at the strength in my arms”, “See how I countered that”, they taunted each other in words that only warriors understand. Seeing the valour in Arjuna’s arms, unparalleled on earth, Vaikartana Karna fought even more vigorously. Repulsing Arjuna’s swift arrows, Karna shouted out aloud and the warriors applauded his feat.
Exposing lier arjuna - Karna himself asked arjuna about his real identity. Are you really brahmana fighting with me to save your life? In reply, arjuna the foremost of all liers said that he is really brahmana in lineage. Thus karna had spared the life of arjuna.

BORI Critical Edition -

Adi Parv, Section-181

[Karna to Arjuna]
Have you assumed the form of a Brahmana to disguise yourself and are now fighting strongly with me for self-preservation, mustering the strength of your arms?

[Arjuna to Karna]
O Karna! I am not the science of weapons personified. Nor am I the powerful Rama. I am only a Brahmana, chief among warriors and supreme among those who have the knowledge of weapons.
Lier arjuna caught !!! Hail Vrishna Karna for sparing the life of liar arjuna.
  • Some people always blamed karna just because he lied to parshurama that he is brahmana but here arjuna too lied to karna that he is only brahmana.
  • Only difference is that karna lied to gain knowledge and arjuna lied to save his own life. Karna was cursed by parshurama for his untruth and arjuna was spared by karna for his untruth

Conclusion : Karna fought mildly and arjuna used his full strength still karna easily gained upper hand and spared life of lier arjun. All warriors praised karna for his upcoming victory

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